FTF on Max 9

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Nov 9, 2023
I got a Max 9 shortly after they came out and worked well until two years ago when the trigger locked up during my annual LEO's qualification. The ;gun would not fire. Sent it to Ruger and they said there was nothing wrong. It was returned and still had the problem. There was so much side to side slope that the trigger would lock up so I went looking for a replacement trigger and bought a Galloway Precision and installed it. It has run flawlessly for several months until all of a sudden at least one round per clip will fail to load. It moves forward about 1/4" and locks up. Tap and rack drill will not chamber the round. There are no burrs on the feed ramp and I am running FMJ 115 factory ammo. I am beginning to think that it is the slide spring....need some thoughts. Thanks in advance. Paul


Mar 17, 2005
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Back to Ruger it should go …..
But make sure you swap out the trigger for the OEM one, first.

If I have to do that, I'm kind of screwed...when I swapped out for the Galloway, the spring popped out of the stock trigger while I was removing it...I have no idea how to put it back together, if I had to. If it goes back to Ruger, I'll remove the Galloway and send the OEM trigger "guts" in a zip-baggie...
