I recently mentioned that I had invited some Ruger forum buddies to harvest an elk here in Idaho, I also explained that it was a cull hunt, this would be high fence, not on public land. At first it was just going to be a shoot in the field thing because they were removing 35 head of cows to the slaughter house where they would be shot. I talked him into releasing them on the mountain. He was somewhat nervous about some guys with sixguns taking something as large as an elk. The mountain is about 2 miles around the base & has lots of pine pockets, quakies, sagebrush springs & cedar trees.
There were several large bulls on the mountain & it made it much more of a challenge to stalk the cows. Just before dark on the first day I heard a shot & started working my way up a logging road, after several minutes I spotted some cows (6) working there way below me in the quakies. I eased down through the trees stepping over a lot of blow down. My knees aren't the best anymore & stepping downhill can be a little tricky. The cows were 200 yds off & I closed the gap a little, set down & drew the Ruger Bisley 41 magnum, now my load is a monster, everyone knows you have to shoot 350 gr slugs at 1400 fps to kill a bull grasshopper, I knew I was under gunned! The load consisted of a 250 gr LBT WFN & 9.2 grs of Unique, this loads screams out at about 1100 fps, maybe less.
As the lead cow brought them along I waited until she was directly broadside, stopped them with a cow call & lined up on the front shoulders, at the shot she dropped straight down, she never took a single step, her head came up as I approached & I gave her a finishing shot in the head & it was over.
My shot had taken out both shoulders & exited, I'm sure I should have used more gun & a lot more power but I got lucky & didn't end up with a mess on my hands. :wink: The distance, ranged after the shot was 74 yds, slightly downhill & perfectly broadside.
My cast slug is made up of 5 parts lead & 2 parts linotype, I haven't hardness tested this slug but this cow on the hoof was close to 700 lbs & my feeble load passed through both shoulders, I probaly didn't need any more.
If you take 3 guns, a 223, a 270 & a 300 Ultra Mag, with all 3 capeable of shooting 1" groups at 100 yds & then had 10 different shooters fire all 3 guns which gun would they shoot best? You have to shoot a gun & load that you are comfortable with, yes it has to be capeable of doing the job but accuracy is pretty important.
I'll let the others tell their own stories but I'll say this, I had a wonderful time hosting Zeus, Contender, Sam & Jeff, they were a lot of fun & I'd do it again with these forum members.
My cow with the 41 Bisley & Barranti's great shoulder rig, the Northwest Hunter.
An old fatboy with his 27th elk, I'll put an asterik beside this one because it wasn't on public land but still a decent challenge with a sixgun, I was happy.
Very good damage to both lungs.
A very special gun & my ever present walking stick.
The exit hole on the offside shoulder, you could eat the bullet hole.
There were several large bulls on the mountain & it made it much more of a challenge to stalk the cows. Just before dark on the first day I heard a shot & started working my way up a logging road, after several minutes I spotted some cows (6) working there way below me in the quakies. I eased down through the trees stepping over a lot of blow down. My knees aren't the best anymore & stepping downhill can be a little tricky. The cows were 200 yds off & I closed the gap a little, set down & drew the Ruger Bisley 41 magnum, now my load is a monster, everyone knows you have to shoot 350 gr slugs at 1400 fps to kill a bull grasshopper, I knew I was under gunned! The load consisted of a 250 gr LBT WFN & 9.2 grs of Unique, this loads screams out at about 1100 fps, maybe less.
As the lead cow brought them along I waited until she was directly broadside, stopped them with a cow call & lined up on the front shoulders, at the shot she dropped straight down, she never took a single step, her head came up as I approached & I gave her a finishing shot in the head & it was over.
My shot had taken out both shoulders & exited, I'm sure I should have used more gun & a lot more power but I got lucky & didn't end up with a mess on my hands. :wink: The distance, ranged after the shot was 74 yds, slightly downhill & perfectly broadside.
My cast slug is made up of 5 parts lead & 2 parts linotype, I haven't hardness tested this slug but this cow on the hoof was close to 700 lbs & my feeble load passed through both shoulders, I probaly didn't need any more.
If you take 3 guns, a 223, a 270 & a 300 Ultra Mag, with all 3 capeable of shooting 1" groups at 100 yds & then had 10 different shooters fire all 3 guns which gun would they shoot best? You have to shoot a gun & load that you are comfortable with, yes it has to be capeable of doing the job but accuracy is pretty important.
I'll let the others tell their own stories but I'll say this, I had a wonderful time hosting Zeus, Contender, Sam & Jeff, they were a lot of fun & I'd do it again with these forum members.
My cow with the 41 Bisley & Barranti's great shoulder rig, the Northwest Hunter.
An old fatboy with his 27th elk, I'll put an asterik beside this one because it wasn't on public land but still a decent challenge with a sixgun, I was happy.
Very good damage to both lungs.
A very special gun & my ever present walking stick.
The exit hole on the offside shoulder, you could eat the bullet hole.