WWB, I do hope you can take the time to go. It is quite an event.
My Grandson is there working at the Cub Crafter's display and giving demo rides at a grass strip close by.
Son Trey is going Monday by commercial rather than taking the Staggerwing. Even though he has over 8000Hrs, 500 carrier traps and many hundreds of landings in the SNJ-4/T-6. He doesn't feel confident to be able to handle ALL of the situation that could take place even though he has 25+- landings and 20 hours in "Ruby The Staggerwing".
Since my beloved wife has been diagnosed with dementia, I did not want to leave her alone for a week. Soooooooooooo I guess I will just have to spend my time on the RF
Meet "Ruby The Staggerwing" From Trey
A Dream Come True! Welcome "Ruby" to the family, an iconic 1944 Beechcraft Staggerwing D17S. I figured a Ruby precious gemstone was appropriate for our 32nd wedding anniversary, and Brandie approved! Thanks to all that made this a reality, we're privileged to be the new caretakers!
Beechcraft Staggerwing
It is soooooooo easy even an old fat guy can fly it.