Drill and tap question

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Dec 21, 2023
Mooreland Indiana
Its not a ruger but just wanted to know if anyone here can give a tip or two about drilling and tapping a uberti 73 lever gun for a marbles sight. I ordered the sight and screws. Just curious how hard the tang metal is. Will it be very hard to drill and tap or easy?.I've drilled and tapped alot of hoes in the past few years but all were in muzzeloader parts and barrels and locks and such.
Can't comment on Uberti, but my experience is that most gun steels are manufactured for toughness and machinability and therefore are not especially hard to work on. The only exception I've noted is the tough steels in MSR bolt groups when nitrided can have a very hard case.
Most all of these only have the ONE screw holding them on.
They have had a lot more abuse shooting SASS than yours will and no problem.

Wyandotte Jim
Do any of those sights have two screw holes but you only used one. Do you use double sided tape under the sights or is the shape of the tang and sight fit that makes them sturdy? Would be nice to not drill and tap.
Wyandotte Jim
Do any of those sights have two screw holes but you only used one. Do you use double sided tape under the sights or is the shape of the tang and sight fit that makes them sturdy? Would be nice to not drill and tap.
Both the Marble and Lyman have two holes. The curve of the tang keeps the sight from moving with one screw. The two 1895 45-70s bolt comes past the sight and just barely clears without a problem.
Just put the sight on and you will see what happens.
I have a drill press and clamps and it is still hard to drill the hole due to the angles. That is why I just use one screw on most.