Custom GP 100

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May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
Ernie Bishop said:
If my shooting style is bothersome to you, in that you don't think it will work-I have no problem with that.
I don't remember calling you out on anything at any time. All I do recall is taking up for you against the naysayers on THR.

Ernie Bishop said:
If you consider Bog-Gear a BR set-up, fine with me.
No, I said it's hardly what I would call a "field rest" but more of a portable shooting bench. I never said or implied it was a setup appropriate for benchrest competition.

Ernie Bishop said:
I don't have to shoot off-hand to reveal the accuracy of a weapon or hunt/shoot with no support to feel like I am a handgunner.
I don't see what the argument is here. Perhaps you read a little too much into what I posted???

Ernie Bishop said:
If you want to see one in action or better yet actually come and shoot one yourself, consider yourself invited.
Uh, no. Again, I'm not questioning the veracity of what has been posted, so you can dispense with all that crap.

Ernie Bishop said:
It seems like since Chris' revolvers are shooting groups that you believe can't be done with other revolvers by other smith's, therefore Chris must be a liar and a fake.
I never said any of that and resent the implication. ONCE AGAIN, I NEVER CALLED ANYONE A LIAR OR IN ANY WAY REFUTED THE RESULTS POSTED!!!

The issue I have with the whole thing is this. Unknown gunsmith slapping a funny looking aluminum shroud and a new barrel on an otherwise stock GP-100 and claiming to build the most accurate revolver extant. That is what I have a problem with. Do you guys really not have a clue what a bold statement is being made there??? Are you so fixated on specialty pistols that you don't have any idea what has been going on in the revolver world for the last few decades?

Ernie Bishop said:
Pretend you are from Missouri (SHOW ME STATE)...
That is exactly what I was trying to do with this discussion. I do not have to drive to Virginia or Wyoming to have my questions answered. The fact that the responses to my questions have been defensive, evasive and vague is not a good sign. :roll:

Ernie Bishop said:
I just never put the name Ruger with accuracy (Sorry guys, but that is how I really felt).
Perhaps your problem is one of unrealistic expectations.

Ernie Bishop said:
About the condescending part...Was there sarcasm in there? Yes.
I guess it is clear that you do not appreciate when someone responds that way.
I would encourage you to consider that before you plow into someone else.
I wanted to make it obvious how you were comparing two shooting aids.
I would encourage you to consider that this is the internet and all one can do is respond to the words on the screen. I'm not sitting in a room with you to see your expressions or hear your tone and vice versa.

Ernie Bishop

Oct 17, 2014
NE Wyoming
First, I don't post things that didn't happen. Plus, it was repeated by more than one shooter
Second, I seriously don't pay attention to a lot of what is going on with other revolver builders.
I recognize there will always be folks who either don't understand or believe what is being done-I can't change that.
Some of what is out there is completely false. I get that.
I'm the one that brought the Bog-Gear and uses the small field bag for shooting handguns.
Chris had never tried this style before until this past September. So I replied for a couple of reasons: I shot it and it shot better than any revolver I have ever shot, I witnessed others doing it, and I used a style of shooting for stability with my SP's. Oddly enough it worked. Personally I was shocked they shot that good, and that I could shoot them that good.


Sep 11, 2014
Mathews va
What craigc posted.

I never said any of that and resent the implication. ONCE AGAIN, I NEVER CALLED ANYONE A LIAR OR IN ANY WAY REFUTED THE RESULTS POSTED!!!

So there really isn't any need to go any farther.

Since the results are the proof....well that's settled....

I go over each gun with each customer....that's how that that's settled.

Your negative tone is persistent through any post you don't like....we tend to know that as a keyboard warrior. Sorry if you take offense to that.

If you don't like me or my work that's fine. But I would like to thank you for dragging this out. The drama brings in more lurkers to read the post and thus gets me more helped me sell work....for that I thank you.

And in closing once again your leather work looks nice...


Mar 8, 2012
Ernie Bishop said:
I just never put the name Ruger with accuracy (Sorry guys, but that is how I really felt).

I have no dog in this fight......

But, Ernie, this is a box-stock Super Redhawk in .454, shooting factory ammo. 5-shots, 100 yards, with a red dot. Some day I will slap a scope on it to see what it will really do, but Rugers are often pretty darn accurate out of the box. I would say this qualifies as a "Minute of Dead Critter" revolver.......



May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
bcgunworks said:
So there really isn't any need to go any farther.
Except for all those unanswered questions and unaddressed claims.

bcgunworks said:
Since the results are the proof....well that's settled....
What, a couple "groups" on steel??? You have really presented very little.

bcgunworks said:
Your negative tone is persistent through any post you don't like....
My "negative tone" only began when you avoided my questions and made outlandish claims. And for the record, I NEVER made any negative remarks about your work.

bcgunworks said:
The drama brings in more lurkers to read the post and thus gets me more orders....
You could have answered my questions in a straightforward manner and avoided the "drama".

bcgunworks said:
....we tend to know that as a keyboard warrior.
So we're getting personal now? I'm fairly certain that I own more revolvers, have handloaded and shot more rounds out of them than you have there sport. I guess I must've been planning to add that fourth press (third progressive) before the end of the year, just to decorate my bench. :roll:

bcgunworks said:
And in closing once again your leather work looks nice...
Don't play games with me.


May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
Sorry but this thing is ridiculous. What is the point of a 300yd rig using a cartridge only good for about 75yds???



May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
Butthurt? How old are you again???

Firstly, how exactly would I be "butthurt"??? I asked you simple, technical questions. I asked you about fitting oversized bolts, bearing blocks and lineboring, to which you responded with very vague, defensive and deflective nonsense about "reworked as needed".

I asked you to explain what testing was done to come up with your theory about barrel harmonics. You didn't.

You claimed that lineboring is unnecessary, I asked you to extrapolate. You didn't (or couldn't).

You claimed that your "shooting system" is the most accurate extant. I pointed out that such a claim would clearly imply that you think your work is better than very well known, very well established revolversmiths. You said, "I'm my own person". Whatever that means.

And now come the vain attempts at insults. Not very professional if you ask me.

So again, why can't you answer my basic questions? Do your customers not ask questions about your work, your testing and your conclusions???

Your results are nothing earth shattering. You're certainly not the first to shoot revolvers at long range. The only difference is that you're trying to turn a revolver into a specialty pistol, both with your shroud/barrel/big scope and your light bullets at high velocity. There are lots of folks here and on other sites who routinely shoot up to several hundred yards but they're not doing it with big scopes, 12" barrels and light bullets at extreme velocity. They're doing it with iron sights and heavy cast bullets. Ringing an 8" gong at 300yds with a handgun is not an unheard-of feat.

Here's what I think. You are a wet-behind-the-ears gunsmith trying to establish yourself in the market. You have found something you can build within your limited capabilities and you're trying to market it as innovative. That's fine. Except when pressed for details, you get defensive and rude. The crap about barrel harmonics and the whole theory behind the free float shroud is bogus. You (and Ernie) obviously have no clue what the established revolversmiths are doing, or you would've answered differently. You either don't know about bolt bearing blocks or it's beyond your capability. You get defensive because your capabilities are limited but you don't want anyone to know. The scratch-built linebored cylinder is beyond your capability, so rather than admit that, you downplay its importance. Now take note, none of this is a personal attack. You could've been a little more truthful but you chose to play this game.