Background: New shooter with used NM Single Six, adjustable sights, no idea if they were at the factory setting (25 yards) when I bought it. Shooting 22LR, started at 7 yards, adjusted elevation to compensate for tendency to shoot low. (I needed all the help that I could get!) Now moving to 15 yards, shooting high, as expected. (22LR bullets rise for the first whatever number of yards, right?) Planning to re-adjust elevation for 15 yards. Do the same at 25 yards if I can get reasonably accurate at 15 yards.
Question: Does the rear sight elevation on Ruger revolvers consistently return to it's former state when you adjust it n clicks in one direction, then n clicks back to it's original setting? In other words, is it "tight" or "sloppy?" I've heard reports that some guns can be pretty inconsistent.
Question: Does the rear sight elevation on Ruger revolvers consistently return to it's former state when you adjust it n clicks in one direction, then n clicks back to it's original setting? In other words, is it "tight" or "sloppy?" I've heard reports that some guns can be pretty inconsistent.