Ruber, I don't know if this horse is dead or not, so here goes another swat.....
If I was in your shoes, first thing I'd do is determine the bore size on my particular gun. Then I'd Mic the specific bulet(s) that I was contemplating using.
Reason for that (advertized) .311 bullet is either right for YOUR gun, or it aint....and...If it's the AINT, and IF it's because they are measurably larger than your bore, you can bet the bank that whatever pressures, that whatever load you pick would generate in a properly sized gun, will be higher in your gun. Then add-in the facts that even big-brand bullets can vary in actual size, and the 7.62X54R aint a pip-squeak cartridge to start with, it would be real easy to get into trouble IF you get into mis-matching components....accidently or otherwise.
That, and as you have seen....There don't seem to be any published loads that are specific to your original question. Like I said before, I don't know why that is.
On the other hand, I figure that the various companies which make powders or bullets are much smarter about this stuff than we are. So I would take that as a clue, bite the bullet, and buy a proper powder for whatever cartridge I was loading for.....but only after making sure that I had the right-sized bullets to start with.
But that's just me.
No offense meant here...only trying to help you stay safe.