Cargo Pocket Carry!!!

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Nov 30, 2022
Using pants with Cargo Pockets makes carrying enough gun easy. By having the spare mag under the grip the outline is broken up completely. My LCP does equally as well in a regular pocket.


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Jan 9, 2022
Garnett Valley, PA 19060
We all must choose our carry options according to our personal needs and requirements. I have ruled out carrying in cargo pockets or any other difficult to access or draw from pocket. Accordingly the only pockets I will carry my gun in are coat pockets. It's too big for pants pockets, and cargo pockets due to their design and location are not easy to reach or extract a handgun from.

If you face a deadly threat, you will most likely only have a couple seconds to draw. In some cases, if your assailant is close in, you will have to resort to H2H methods to get time to draw, and that means only seconds available.

I go by this rule. I have to be able to draw my pistol in 3 seconds or less in any carry mode. You don't get a time out when someone I'd trying to kill you. On my first week of 26 months in Nam I learned that cargo pockets were great for carrying extra ammo, hand grenades, and even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but you pistol belonged in your belt or chest holster. Be safe.
Nov 30, 2022
We all must choose our carry options according to our personal needs and requirements. I have ruled out carrying in cargo pockets or any other difficult to access or draw from pocket. Accordingly the only pockets I will carry my gun in are coat pockets. It's too big for pants pockets, and cargo pockets due to their design and location are not easy to reach or extract a handgun from.

If you face a deadly threat, you will most likely only have a couple seconds to draw. In some cases, if your assailant is close in, you will have to resort to H2H methods to get time to draw, and that means only seconds available.

I go by this rule. I have to be able to draw my pistol in 3 seconds or less in any carry mode. You don't get a time out when someone I'd trying to kill you. On my first week of 26 months in Nam I learned that cargo pockets were great for carrying extra ammo, hand grenades, and even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but you pistol belonged in your belt or chest holster. Be safe.
I actually find it way easier and faster than regular pants pocket carry. Almost comparable to a drop leg holster. It's also more comfortable when driving than any waist holster. We don't all live in the Wild West where we can strap on our hog leg with the thong tied around our leg. I suppose I could walk around with my IPSC rig for speed but the police in Maryland might frown on that. Basically if you want to carry anything much bigger than an LCP it requires a level of wardrobe discipline. Extra layers that may or may not seem out of place most of the time. I pretty much wear Cargo shorts year round with a T shirt unless it's around freezing outside. I can IWB my P11 with a belt clip or my LCP in a pocket. This way I have an optic equipped compact and a reload which I normally wouldn't have otherwise with no extraanus wardrobe discipline. Yes I do have a shoulder rig to carry my open class IPSC gun and 2 30rnd mags that only needs a light jacket to cover if I feel the need but that's a little much for everyday walking around.


Dec 4, 2021
I put my wallet in the cargo/thigh pocket and carry my Glock 27 in my pants pocket (Keys in the opposite cargo pocket and knife in my left pocket. Phone goes in with the keys.