When is it ok to cuss?

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Jul 20, 2010
Bob Wright said:
Profanity is never in good taste. Use of such words is always out of place.

The Bible says we will account for every word uttered. 'Nough said.

Bob Wright

Perhaps, many of the high and mighty out there, should be more concerned with their actions.. And not worry too much about the words..

There's an old saying, "actions speak louder than words." And I think the actions speak for themselves here..

Allow me to illustrate..


And yes, I think a few cuss words to this would be appropriate to sum up the situation..


Oct 7, 2013
imho, and according to my father's unwavering instruction, it is never ok to swear. i took that to heart, for a long time. i was known as "that guy who never swears", for decades, until i became a manager. now i swear.


Apr 22, 2010
When I was in the Army people noted I never swore, that made them a little leery of me and they left me alone. A Very Good Thing, IMHO.
In place of calling someone an [anal orifice], I call them UTP-Used Toilet Paper. The anal orifice performs a vital bodily function, but UTP ?


Aug 18, 2017
Kevin said:
Taterman, I'll have to go back and listen to the song again. I was surprised to hear it, since it doesn't get a lot of air time, at least on the radio stations I listen.

Thanks to all though, it's nice to hear different opinions on this. We were eating at a lunch restaurant recently, and I had to politely ask the two guys next to us to quit cussing. They were close enough my wife and daughter could hear everything. I was polite and they understood.

I might be wrong, but if I remember correctly when the song 1st came out, and it has been out a long time...it was never played on any of the radio stations I listened to. I only learned that there was a version out that had the words you are speaking of by buying the tape. I am not surprised that today a radio station would think nothing of playing those words on the air. I was in a local dollar store a few months ago and normally I can't understand what a rapper or rock musicians and a lot of other singers are saying (sometimes hearing loss is a blessing), but I could hear the words that day very clear and I told the young lady working there that the words were very offensive. She apologized and told me what radio station it was on.

I am a pastor. I realize most of the time I don't dress like one. I still wear jeans and Carhartts for the most part, except while preaching. I am amazed that even though I don't cuss, that men and women cuss in front of me when I am in a store and speak with someone who doesn't know me. Yesterday, I made my annual trip to the mall to by the Mrs. a Christmas present. While on my way out, walking on the sidewalk to my truck, there was a group of young people sitting there smoking and drinking something out of coke cups. One young woman makes a loud statement about her employer in the food court and uses the F word. Again, very loudly. It's really sad. And I have come to believe that it is not they don't respect others, it's that they don't respect themselves or expect anything better from themselves.

bogus bill

Dec 25, 2009
I worked around some rough people all my life. Seldom did they swear near as much as many/most actors do in a lot of movies. I can understand to a degree it`s use to give the movie the realism we see in day to day life but many screen writers/producers seem to pour it on about a hundred fold more than you would hear it in a lumber camp or a locker room. I came from a HUGE family on dads side. Dad was the oldest of ten full brothers and sisters PLUS he had another seven older half brothers and sisters. I never heard anyone of them talk filthy.
Apr 2, 2014
After 50 plus years of playing ice hockey I'd have to say the swearing can
be very appropriate. Random single words usually have no point, but a carefully
directed and well timed barrage at an opponent, perhaps pointing out his mother's
( or daughters, as we've gotten older ) interactions with say.... farm animals....( as example )
can usually a generate a response.
And guess what....the refs usually only catch/call the retaliation.
It's really a "art form" to get it right.
See, there's a good excuse for using vulgar language.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
GP100 said:
Bob Wright said:
Profanity is never in good taste. Use of such words is always out of place.

The Bible says we will account for every word uttered. 'Nough said.

Bob Wright

Perhaps, many of the high and mighty out there, should be more concerned with their actions.. And not worry too much about the words..

There's an old saying, "actions speak louder than words." And I think the actions speak for themselves here..

Allow me to illustrate..


And yes, I think a few cuss words to this would be appropriate to sum up the situation..

I am equally concerned about my actions. Many young kids at my church sort of look up to me, and I sure don't want them to see me in any compromising actions or situations. I want them to know "I practice what I preach."

And I don't believe this makes me "high and mighty."

Bob Wright

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
Dave P. said:
After 50 plus years of playing ice hockey I'd have to say the swearing can
be very appropriate. Random single words usually have no point, but a carefully
directed and well timed barrage at an opponent, perhaps pointing out his mother's
( or daughters, as we've gotten older ) interactions with say.... farm animals....( as example )
can usually a generate a response.
And guess what....the refs usually only catch/call the retaliation.
It's really a "art form" to get it right.
See, there's a good excuse for using vulgar language.

Excuse, yes. Reason, no.

Bob Wright
Apr 2, 2014
Bob Wright said:
Dave P. said:
After 50 plus years of playing ice hockey I'd have to say the swearing can
be very appropriate. Random single words usually have no point, but a carefully
directed and well timed barrage at an opponent, perhaps pointing out his mother's
( or daughters, as we've gotten older ) interactions with say.... farm animals....( as example )
can usually a generate a response.
And guess what....the refs usually only catch/call the retaliation.
It's really a "art form" to get it right.
See, there's a good excuse for using vulgar language.

Excuse, yes. Reason, no.

Bob Wright

I'd call it a reason.
Trash talking an opponent into taking a stupid penalty, yup.
The excuse is it sometimes works, not so much on other old
guys though.
Time and place.......
Nov 5, 2007
Dallas, TX
Today I was walking into a store from the parking lot. Some "mother" and her kid were coming out and walking to their car. The kid was perhaps 4 or 5 years old and full of energy. She started to run to the car. And the "mother" yelled "Where the H#%L are you going, get back here."

For that there is no reason or excuse. I felt sorry for the kid.

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
I honestly try not to use curse words. I am not perfect yet so I might mess up. There was a time when the use of them was habitual. The thing is if I am in the habit of cursing I am in the habit of cursing. Even if it were appropriate in one circumstance & not in another if I use such words all the time I will use them when I shouldn't without even realizing it. It is sad how normalized the use of these words has become. Our society is in decay. Our country needs God.

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
A story I heard long ago:

An older gentleman entered an elevator in a modern office building. Behind him a young woman entered, and he promptly removed his hat.

The elevator made several stops, and the woman muttered "Does the elevator stop at every d____d floor?"

The old gentleman quietly replaced his hat on his head.

Bob Wright
Dec 17, 2015
Reading, Pa
Dave P. said:
After 50 plus years of playing ice hockey I'd have to say the swearing can
be very appropriate. Random single words usually have no point, but a carefully
directed and well timed barrage at an opponent, perhaps pointing out his mother's
( or daughters, as we've gotten older ) interactions with say.... farm animals....( as example )
can usually a generate a response.
And guess what....the refs usually only catch/call the retaliation.
It's really a "art form" to get it right.
See, there's a good excuse for using vulgar language.

These comments definitely ring true with this blueliner. I swear very little so when I do it really helps to get my point across.

Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
There were two things that really kind of convicted me about cursing. One was when I had used a colorful metaphor beginning with the letter S. A friend replied what just came out of your mouth I wouldn't hold in my hand. The other was a verse in the Bible that slightly paraphrased says, "out of the mouth the heart speaks."

As for my own exposure. I was raised in church. Discovered alcohol at age 14 & ran wild. I wound up in recovery at the ripe old age of 22 & have been sober since. I have also worked in commercial construction as a sheet metal worker since 1989. A lot of people I am around on a daily basis curse. That is their choice I don't belittle them or anyone else for their choices but I am not responsible for them. I am responsible for me.


Jan 2, 2011
Medford, OR
I may have my faults but I am crude and vulgar. Not quite really but I can't help a few discriptive words if I hit myself with a hammer or drop a critical bolt way back under the workbench. Just can't seem to find any relief otherwise. I don't swear in front of women but once in a while do with male friends. I was brought up on military bases so I did hear good selections of cuss words at a young age, but my mother had me taste a bar of Ivory soap a couple times in my early youth. She was not happy with rough language. In fact in our house you didn't even say butt when referring to backsides.

I did have an unfortunate slip when I went went back home enroute to my first assignment after basic. We had a big family dinner and I did utter, "please pass the effing potatoes". It was unusually quite for a couple minutes after that. I did feel it was somewhat mitigated by my prefacing the statement with, "please". Mortification is a weak word for the way I felt.

bogus bill

Dec 25, 2009
exavid, were you one of those two brothers I heard about? Their dad traveled a lot, came home and the wife said the boys been getting out of hand with their swearing. He bided his time. That evening one brother told the other to pass the &$)!+ potatoes. The old man got up, walked around the table and grabbed the boy up and slapped him around big time. Then he turned to the other son and said "Ya learn anything from that? The kid said well I aint gonna ask for any of those $#&# potatoes!


Jul 20, 2010
Bob Wright said:
GP100 said:
Bob Wright said:
Profanity is never in good taste. Use of such words is always out of place.

The Bible says we will account for every word uttered. 'Nough said.

Bob Wright

Perhaps, many of the high and mighty out there, should be more concerned with their actions.. And not worry too much about the words..

There's an old saying, "actions speak louder than words." And I think the actions speak for themselves here..

Allow me to illustrate..


And yes, I think a few cuss words to this would be appropriate to sum up the situation..

I am equally concerned about my actions. Many young kids at my church sort of look up to me, and I sure don't want them to see me in any compromising actions or situations. I want them to know "I practice what I preach."

And I don't believe this makes me "high and mighty."

Bob Wright


My comment wasn't aimed at you Sir.. I was referring to those that did what they did to the woman in the article.. Because I think they have a whole lot of explaining to do someday after a stunt like that.. My comment was NOT aimed at you, or all religious folks.. It was just aimed at those that do evil deeds, but claim to be so high and mighty..

My sincere apologies to you if you misunderstood Sir..

Merry Christmas Sir.


Apr 3, 2012
I've been there and done that. I can swear with the best of them. But at some point I realized it was ignorant.

It is much more impressive to tell somebody off, or express your thoughts intelligently, without the swears.

I recently found out that at work I'm known as the "biggest toughest man to ever say, "I have to pee". LOL!

Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
GP100 said:
Bob Wright said:
Profanity is never in good taste. Use of such words is always out of place.

The Bible says we will account for every word uttered. 'Nough said.

Bob Wright

Perhaps, many of the high and mighty out there, should be more concerned with their actions.. And not worry too much about the words..

There's an old saying, "actions speak louder than words." And I think the actions speak for themselves here..

Allow me to illustrate..


And yes, I think a few cuss words to this would be appropriate to sum up the situation..

Another old sayin': "What's down in the well's going to come up in the bucket."

Bob Wright