What grips do people like on their Service Six?

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Jul 8, 2008
Charlottesville, VA
I added a Service Six to my meager revolver collection recently, but would like to try some different grips on it. I know CDNN has Ruger replacement options, and I'll likely order some when I get back after the holidays. But, what others do folks like? I've read complaints about pachymar fit, but don't know anything about hogue's rubber grips.

So, I'd just like to hear what others have tried, either that they like or dis-liked. Thanks.

I have a Security Six and the Hogues are way too big and the Factory ones are way too small. I think the T Grip is what I want, but they look kinda goofy.
The only Security-Six that I own has the factory target grips....which I consider to be a big improvement over the more common, skinny grips. And they look nice too....kinda like they belong there, if you get my drift.

I liked Pachmyr Compact Gripper grip on a Security Six I had.
It felt good in my hand without being too large.
My preference for the Ruger and just about any other DA grip is the factory grips plus the Tyler T-grip. Small, medium, or large frame, round butt or square -- that combination seems to fit my hand best.
I have a set of Trausch TJ84R grips on my square-butt Security Six; they're designed for the round-butt frames, but Jacques Trausch modified them for me. He told me he'd be happy to do so for anyone else wanting a similar set-see www.trausch.com.

They're extremely ergonomic and comfortable. I recently used them on my Security Six in an IDPA match, and posted my 3rd best IDPA time ever-and I hadn't shot the Security Six in over a year (I did have a rigorous regimen of dryfire practice on the gun a month before the match).

I attribute a not insubstantial amount of my success specifically to these grips. They also provide for an excellent hold for strong hand- and weak hand-only shooting.

Best, Jon
Thanks for all the input. I still haven't been out to shoot my service six, since the day I bought it was the start of the 2+ft of snow fall we got the weekend before Christmas! And there is another storm supposedly moving in this Friday/Sat. - so I guess I'll be surfing the 'net for grips instead of shooting :D
I've tried the factory grips and the factory target grips and settled on the Hogue's. They fit my hand the best and give the best control.


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