Value of my GP100

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Jul 15, 2009
Hey All,

I've got a GP100, 3" barrel, blued finish still about 98%, maybe 150 rounds through it at most, I have the plastic case with the manual and the spent shell. The model number is 01736.

Just curious, thanks in advance for your input.






I sold an older stainless 3"er a couple of weeks ago for $325. Probably could have gotten more, but it was a quick, painless sale to a guy at work. Bought a real nice 4" GP to replace it for $325, and all I was really after was an even trade. I'd say the $400 mark would be a good place to start.
I assume .357, if .38 then it is VERY special.
This is an out of production model. Current value is still in the $400 + or - range but I would guess it will be going up. Now if it was the short lug version, it woud be quite rare.

Stainless is easier to care for but the blued is not as flashy in the dark. Some folks just prefer blued.

I'd hang on to it.
Terry T
Yeah, it's a .357, I don't think I've seen the short lug version (hence the rarity I guess), I wouldn't mind feeling the balance and weight comparison between the two.

Thanks for the response, I think I will hang on to it for a little while
I have the short lug and full lug 3" in stainless and I can't really feel the difference. It's less than an .oz. difference.


Terry T
Wow! Impressive collection. Thanks for sharing. Now that I've seen the short lug, it doesn't seem like there would be a huge difference.
The short lug is more noticable on the 4" and 6". I got sort of focused on the fixed sight versions. I'd like to pick up some of the .38s but the import restrictions in Ca. make it more difficult. I think any .38 GP will be considered rare in the future.
Terry T