Taurus TCP

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man, that must be the ugliest little gun ive seen yet

and with taurus reliablilty i wouldnt touch it with a stick
deadduck357":1hwgqgbj said:
Ill have to play with it, but it looks like my LCP may have a partner

ugly, look at the micro eagle, or that new sig 380 poney woth those butt ugly grips on it.

I think the taurus TCP is as nice a looking at the lcp and certainly much nicer than any kt product and I have 150% more faith in a taurus than any kt product. Ruger can't brag on their lcp either. It might be right now but there are over 60,000 that had to go back.

Hopefully taurus learned someting from both. I live the titanium slide feature. 8.5 ounces in a 380 , nothingout there in that league and taurus also offers a 2 round extended magazine, which wold give you 9 rounds of 380. Not a bad kick in the ass if u ask me.
jabara572":4i2x6ypw said:
man, that must be the ugliest little gun ive seen yet

and with taurus reliablilty i wouldnt touch it with a stick

thats OK with me, I won't have to stand in line behind you for a taurus TCP then.
Some have had excellent experience with Keltec. I sold my LCP's and kept the Keltec 3at. I just could not stand that LCP trigger and my 2007 KT has never missed a beat.
Wouldn't mind getting another P3at in Chrome, but lately I have seen none locally.

I would have to hear some reviews before I got a Taurus. That is such a hit or miss company, at least the p3at has the bugs out.
I just meant about the looks of it, I plan to pick up a Keltec PF9 whenever i find one for under $300 in my area. Ive heard some very good things about them and I dont mind doing the "fluff and buff" and minor tweaking that it may require. Having a mini gun that conceals completely would be a great addition to my collection

I think Taurus missed the boat on the .380 market, and Ruger just caught the tail end of it. All things considered, i just dont see anything that would make me buy this over an LCp or a P3AT, since both have been out much longer, im sure its a decent gun tho
You will take a Taurus over a keltec? Why? A late generation Keltec is pretty darn good gun IF you can find one. Don't see too many new or used. How many Keltecs have you owned?

Nobody has even shot a Taurus one yet for Petes sake.
great points gatorhugger...everyone should look at the LCP experience before running out and grabbing one of these taurus copies. Not a bash of the LCP, just a statement that wholly new products almost always have a few kinks to work out. Thus, my p11 hangs around until the LCP problems seem solved.

As for Taurus reliability problems mentioned here: Anyone who doesn't think that the current Taurus product reliability is on-par with Ruger is naively fooling themselves. That's not an endorsement for Taurus as much as a statement that OEM reliability is a "must have" at the level where you find Ruger and Taurus competing.

As example of how reliability is seen as a given... my Keltec P11 has fired 2000+ rounds, all from only two 10rd OEM mags that I own. The only time in 9yrs those two mags haven't had 10 full rounds inside was while unloading/reloading during a shooting session and cleaning... and I've never had a misfire or mechanical breakdown with this pistol or the mags. AND I don't consider it anything to brag about yet, nor would you really? Especially since my P89 has outdistanced the P11 by a long shot :)
gatorhugger":2kk6vo9b said:
You will take a Taurus over a keltec? Why? A late generation Keltec is pretty darn good gun IF you can find one. Don't see too many new or used. How many Keltecs have you owned?

Nobody has even shot a Taurus one yet for Petes sake.

Later gen keltecs are great guns, and in my area, there are PLENTY of Keltec pistols, anything you want from the P32 and P11 and also the PF9, dont seem to be any shortage of them at all actually..... priced from $270 to $315, ill certainly take the KT first
I actually like this Taurus pistol. for a polymer gun. I think it looks better than the Ruger and way better than the Keltec. We shall all see about function. I am glad the market is expanding. If you are looking for an all-metal .380, this one got picked up by the wife and I Saturday.




The fit and finish is superb. It is a high-quality gun. Pictures really don't do it justice. The sights are designed nicely so as to be easy to see, yet not snag. Trigger is a tad heavy, but smooth as hot butter. Carries and conceals very, very well. Plus, Magnum Research has a reputation for quality. This gun is built tough.
jabara572":10se17zl said:
man, that must be the ugliest little gun ive seen yet

and with taurus reliablilty i wouldnt touch it with a stick

http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/2009 ... ruger-lcp/

Other than saying it's ugly just because it's not a Ruger, I don't see where it looks appreciably different than the Ruger OR the KT. With regard to reliability, I think it's pretty laughable that you compare Ruger to Taurus, who has actually been very good in terms of reliability in the last 3-5 years.

Ruger, who has had 3 absolute disasters with their last 3 releases, the 345, SR9, and LCP, makes Taurus look like a shining star in the gun industry. Their current QC seems to be non-existent throughout ALL of their lines, and it seems every other thread is about barrels not being screwed in properly (of which I've recently been a victim), LCP's being returned without pins being inserted, P95's incessantly jamming, etc, etc.

I just bought a brand new Ruger SA (back at Ruger as we speak), and I still like and will buy Ruger products (revolvers), but you gotta call a spade a spade if you're being honest, and one thing for sure is that Ruger's products have pretty much sucked for the last 3 years quality wise. Note that I didn't say the PRODUCTS suck, I said their QC SUCKS. If you can get off the rah rah bandwagon long enough to see what's happened to Ruger in the past 5 years or so, I think you'd have to agree. Or maybe some here have only been into Rugers for the last 3-5 years and don't know any different.

In case you didn't notice, while Ruger's QC and reliabillity has been going into the toilet, Taurus's has been steadily improving during that time. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd praise Taurus, but if you're honest, you gotta give them credit where it's due. I still won't trust this LCR thing for at least several years, until it gets past the recall prone period.

I've got a Taurus PT1911 45acp and it's a very nice, very reliable pistol. I have had problems with a couple of Taurus revolvers in the past (and with Ruger also), but I now do my homework and check very carefully for any complaints on particular models (on any brand gun for that matter) before buying. It's like revhigh said, if we make sweeping statements about certain gun companies selling nothing but junk, based on hearsay or a few bad experiences of our own, we would never buy guns from anyone in this day and age. It's sad to say, but some QC problems with most gun companies seem to be par for the course.

Tmygun :D
Tmygun":1i6ipxeh said:
I've got a Taurus PT1911 45acp and it's a very nice, very reliable pistol.

Damn right it is ... I just shot my buddy's last weekend, and the only complaint I have is that the sights (rear especially) are really low dollar junk. Comparing the sights on the Taurus to the sights on my Gold Cups is like looking at an out of focus picture. I never really noticed it before, until I had my Gold Cup at the range at the same time he had his 1911 there. I shot them back to back, and while the Taurus performed well, it really needs different sights. I shot the same ammo (my reloads) out of both, and the Taurus did an exemplary job, considering that it's a $500 gun.

I'm also not a big fan of all the 'extras' that they give you to justify the supposedly '$1200' worth of gun. I don't like all the checkering on the front and back of the grip and such. It's just cosmetic nonsense that does nothing to improve the functionality of the gun. The cosmetic doodads aside, it really is a very nice piece.

I don't think they are ugly, but they certainly aren't beautiful. However, if I didn't already own an LCP, I would certainly want to handle the Taurus and the Kahr before making my decision. Personally I think the new Kahr is better than any of them, but the price will be what holds it back. Either way, I'm happy with my LCP now that it has returned from Ruger.

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