Suggestions for a Shark Gun

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Apr 28, 2008
south bend in
ADP3 said:
For a coastal handgun my preference would be (WARNING BLASPHEMY AHEAD! ) a Glock Model 20 10mm with marine spring cups. Glocks are very resistant to a salt environment and Buffalo Bore, and others, make ammo with serious penetration capability. They even make an extended barrel that increases velocity and gives you more penetration and energy.

Stay out of the water early in the am, late in the pm and at night is my best advice other than wear plenty of sun screen so you don't get baked and enjoy plenty of fresh seafood while you're at the coast.

Best Regards,
this! second choice a bazooka.

John in WYO

May 12, 2011
ADP3 said:
For a coastal handgun my preference would be (WARNING BLASPHEMY AHEAD! ) a Glock Model 20 10mm with marine spring cups. Glocks are very resistant to a salt environment and Buffalo Bore, and others, make ammo with serious penetration capability. They even make an extended barrel that increases velocity and gives you more penetration and energy.
Best Regards,

Hmmmm. Interesting observation.

After spending a few afternoons in the local gun stores handling several different stainless Ruger revolvers, with .44 magnum as a minimum I've concluded that weight is going to be an issue. Even the Ruger Alaskan short barrel is pretty hefty. I'm not sure that, given the clothing restrictions for the beach, it would be conducive to continuous carry.

Again, the closest I've been to salt water is the water softener when I add more pellets.

Then, the clerk handed me a Glock G20. I've got an LE buddy who swears by the cartridge in his Kimber 1911. More than adequate mag capacity, doubles as a self defense and hunting option. I was bear hunting in AK last year and several guys who live there sported G20s. (I had my John Linebaugh-built .500)

It feel pretty good in my hand, the tenifer finish is reputed to stand up well to salt water...can you just rinse it well in fresh water after coming out of the ocean, shake it off and expect it to work? Seems like a possibility. I don't know how a marine spring cup differs from a standard, holes to drain water, maybe?

Anyway, it seems like a sensible option to me. Another guy stuck a Springfield XDS .45 in my hand. Polymer and stainless, another rinse it off and call it good gun?
What do boat captains in NC carry?

As for the bang stick, I looked at several online. Pretty basic. Does one carry multiple bang sticks in a quiver, like arrows?


Aug 28, 2007
Jacksonville, Maryland
Might be a good idea to have a lanyard on it since most shark attacks happen in the water and you wouldn't want your gun sinking to the bottom when you need it. :p :roll: :wink:

John in WYO

May 12, 2011
Okay, so Contender and Luckenbach were obviously far ahead of most other posters when it comes to sharks. Made sense, their observations.

Then I find this article :

Dammit, man. I just want to swim in the ocean w/o the attendant anxiety of encountering an apex predator that one can't see until it is too late. Is that too much to ask?


Aug 8, 2012
I've my FIL's .357 SS Blackhawk. It was his 'gator gun for some yrs.. Really though, sounds like the wife might end up being the real threat to life and limb. LOL.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
John,,, I have swam in the ocean so much that there is no way I could recount the number of times. Not only as a diver,,, but as a surfer & just a swimmer. Never had any issues what-so-ever with sharks that I felt warranted fear. This includes getting in the water with a trot-line hooked 11' Tiger shark we'd caught to use for filming a commercial.
Buy yourself a firearm you desire,,, (you already got permission,) & go on the trip. Next,,, to swim,,, get in the water more around mid-day,,, and in a group area. Put yourself in the middle section of a group of other folks. And also,, steer clear of troughs in the water where deeper water is close by.

Your fears of a shark are not necessary. Respect them,,, don't place yourself in a place where they are & have the advantages, and then just enjoy your vacation.

(Besides,,, a guy who has to get permission to buy a gun has a scarier wife than any shark! :D :D )


Dec 23, 2001
The marine spring cups are fluted so that striker impact is not impeded so much by water. The Glock will "work" straight out of the water with just a shake out. A fresh water soak, rinse and blow dry should suffice to clear out the salt water if you do immerse it. If I was sure it would get soaked I would put it in a plastic bag to begin with. Glocks already have a lanyard hole at the base of the grip so you're good to go there. There is also a Glock 20SF which has a slightly smaller grip diameter if that fits your hand better. I use the 20SF because it fits my hand better.

Many Bang Sticks have a rotating head containing multiple cartridges. You just jam it onto the target and BOOM, then rotate the head manually to the next round.

+1 on contender's comment about troughs. Stay off sandbars as well. Much of the NC coast has a steep drop off near shore. SC has better beaches than NC. They are broader and the drop offs are waaaay off shore. You have to go to Florida before you'll find better beaches than SC. But the SC coast is way more commercialized than NC's. NC is far more scenic.

Best Regards,


Aug 8, 2012
John in Wyo., has a pretty darn good sense of humor ! So must his wife... So, when is this trip ? We want to know when to start watching the news more closely !


Feb 23, 2011
Leaky, Texas
I cut many teeth diving, spearfishing, training, lobstering, and stonecrab claw picking in the Destin East Pass all the way to Pensacola. Used to have the Marine patrol hovering all over the top of us until they verified who we were. There are monster sharks everywhere. There are some sharks running those sandbar trenches that will blow your mind.

Long story short, big sharks everywhere. if you are lucky enough to get a first bump, don't "smell" like food. Don't swim naked, and don't swim during primary feeding hours. Bring a good beer, forget the gun.

John in WYO said:
Okay, so Contender and Luckenbach were obviously far ahead of most other posters when it comes to sharks. Made sense, their observations.

Then I find this article :

Dammit, man. I just want to swim in the ocean w/o the attendant anxiety of encountering an apex predator that one can't see until it is too late. Is that too much to ask?


Aug 8, 2012
If you fish the Boca Grande Pass, and ask around you'll hear stories of a giant shark they call Hitler. A warning, low gunneled type flats boats need to be outta the pass when the tide turns. Saw several get swamped.


Dec 23, 2008
c'mon, make it a fair fight. Jump in and try to blast 'em underwater. Here is the link to the video that a pic of was posted earlier. Looks like from a distance of 2 feet or less you will have a good chance of winning.


Apr 6, 2009
lovely downtown Central Florida
Found this expert recommendation online:


John in WYO

May 12, 2011
So now, my Mother-in-law calls to tell me how excited she is that I am finally coming. She has arranged an ocean boat adventure " go fishing with Luke."

"What is a "Luke"?" I replied.

"He's Bailey's boyfriend. The one she wants to introduce you and her mother to."

The fog lifted, the seas parted and the full impact of the importance of my attendance at the beach became suddenly clear.

I have been had.

Permission granted for a new shark gun came too easy. I wasn't suspicious enough. Smug in my ability to sway my Darling wife, I had walked straight into the trap. The one laid by the most clever of opponents, women.

The three of them had concocted this little introduction in a clandestine conspiracy and Elaine had spilled the beans. If "Luke" is important enough to require my appearance, Bailey must be thoroughly smitten.

I married her mother when Bailey was still in high school. We've been pretty tight. 8 years of college in two states, with the attendant moving of furniture. Between colleges one year, one afternoon she very casually asked me if I could teach her how to shoot.

She had never expressed any interest prior to that day. I immediately replied " Sure. Let's go down in the basement. I have a bullet trap, a .22 revolver and some CB caps. ".

Her mother, my wife, was walking by and gently leaned over, and got down to my (seated) level (not my IQ level, hers is much higher than mine) gently placed her hands on either side of my face, looked deeply into into my eyes and said "Honey, we don't shoot in the house." Maintaining steady eye contact, she gently rotated my head in a side to side motion indicating a negative response, saying "Right?" at the same time. She then said "You do understand, right?" She switched the movement to an up and down, nodding motion, signifying that I understood. "We don't shoot in the house. Got it".
She grabbed her purse and headed to the garage. She said she was heading into town to the grocery store. As soon as the sound of tires on the gravel county road died away, I grabbed Bailey's hand and started down the stairs.

"What are we doing?" she asked.
"Teaching you to shoot." came the reply.
"But Mom just said we don't shoot in the house." She looked puzzled.
"Honey, that was a me and Mom 'we', not a you and me 'we'.".

The grin from her face was worth it. So began her introduction to shooting.

Fast forward seven years, she completed her degrees and internships, etc.. And is now a Doctor. When she began applying to medical facilities, she finally got down to two. One in Colorado and one in Georgia.

In discussing the one in Georgia, I put my foot down.
In my best Dad voice I said " I forbid it."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Why?"

"Because you are going to go down there, meet some sweet-talking, slow Southern drawling, handsome, country boy and drag him home to meet Mom and me. I won't have it."

She grinned.

And took the job in Georgia.

Now, two years later, my prediction is about to come true.....


Jun 14, 2009
Not all of us Georgia boys are slow talking nor handsome. But then again I'm a transplant from New York. slow talking not, handsome ...well my wife thinks so.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Well,,, look at it like this. She COULD have taken the job in Colorado,,, met some long-haired hippy type pot smoker, and became a liberal. At least with a Georgia boy,,, she's likely to keep on shooting!

Now,, go on the trip,, meet Luke,,, and see if your tutoring has been proper.


Apr 5, 2010
SW Pennsylvania
You'll probably need one of the new 5 shot Bisleys, but sine we all know 5 shots isn't enough, you should probably get one in each caliber. Plus Luke needs one to tryout at the range too.

John in WYO

May 12, 2011
I want to thank those who responded.
Especially relevant were the real world experiences of contender and Luckenbach Texas.
You guys really caused me to re-evaluate the aquatic use of a handgun in a shark-defense role.

I watched a couple of YouTube videos of sharks in their pursuit of tarpon that fishermen were reeling in. I don't know which species of shark were involved, but it was unbelievable, the speed and turning ability of the sharks in pursuit of a fish.

A person would have no chance at all against a mature shark.
Even in knee deep or waist deep water, humans are at a massive disadvantage.

I'll stick to bears and lions.

I forgot to mention in earlier posts on the upcoming trip, one of my coyote calling partners from the north central Wyoming called me two days after I committed to go to the beach.

Craig: "I'm going to Idaho next month to call wolves. You're welcome to come along. Want to go?"

Me: "Why didn't you call three days ago?"

Since I'm committed to this adventure, now I'm thinking that a Kevlar cable from the winch on the ATV, with the winch modified to a high speed, instant retraction,might be the next great idea. I'll take the suggestions about taking beer and enjoying the beach.

I'll hook the cable to the deer hunting tree stand harness I'll make her wear so I can snatch my wife from the water. My idea of "fun at the beach" now is sitting in the ATV in the shade of the cab, with binoculars and a beer, thumb on the winch button, standing Shark Watch.

The "Luke" critter is gonna be on his own. Survival of the fittest, you know. We''ll see if he's worthy.

I think I still qualify for the purchase of the shark gun.


Feb 23, 2011
Leaky, Texas
I've seen a lot of things, but this is a highly unlikely scenerio for various reasons with a "real" southern boy.

contender said:
Well,,, look at it like this. She COULD have taken the job in Colorado,,, met some long-haired hippy type pot smoker, and became a liberal.

Now,, go on the trip,, meet Luke,,, and see if your tutoring has been proper.

John, if y'all choose to carry a shark gun, make it a 44 Special. There is only one guarantee (stay outta da water) and its no fun. Some species will bite you nomatter what they taste about ya.

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