While shooting this morning, I spoke with a shooter who was, like me, shooting an SR45. He said that he was having failure to enter issues and had 150 rounds through it. I watched him for a few magazines of American Eagle FMJ and he had two failures on the first mag and one on the second. Both malfunctions were near the end of the 9 rounds loaded in his mags. Seemed like an experienced shooter and had good form. I asked him if I could try 2 of my 3 mags loaded with Speer Lawman TMJ in his gun. It chugged out all 18 without issue. By then he had loaded his 2 mags with American Eagle. Again, this time after the first round, he had one sitting partially on the ramp and the action open. He did the tap/rack and finished the mag. I asked him to shoot my gun and let me shoot his gun with 9 rounds of American Eagle. I had a failure to go into battery on the 3rd round. He emptied 2 mags through my SR45 (Speer) cleanly. Now I decided to swap ammo. My SR45 with my magazine and 9 rounds of American Eagle had 2 failures to go into battery. Anyone have issues with American Eagle 45acp? Hope not, I bought 200 rounds of it and it's at the bottom of my rotation in the ammo cans. When my SR45 was new I had a few failure to feed issues, but I don't remember what ammo. Seems strange both guns with different magazines would have failures on the same ammo while the Speer worked fine.