Single Six Flatgate Lightweight and .357 Maximum SBH

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May 16, 2008
I ran across both of the above at one of my favorite gunshops and while the .357 Max looks mint the Single Six is in very good condition. I will have to ask about boxes etc as they were busy and I was in a hurry but both were a little spendy at 800.00 apiece. The SS was a very interesting piece as that was the first one I have seen. It had a cylinder that was different than the rest in color and the gripframe was different than the barrel etc.
BearStopper":w50wlbfd said:
The SS was a very interesting piece as that was the first one I have seen. It had a cylinder that was different than the rest in color and the gripframe was different than the barrel etc.

The barrel and grip frame should be kinda black. Was the grip frame gold colored?

If so, Run, don't walk..........

If you could post the s/n of the Lightweight the boys here could tell you everything about it.....


Standard Lightweight


Here's a "Factory Second" example, produced in '56 but held back and not shipped until '64.

Inspect the gun closely, looking for unusual markings, i.e. the Letter "S" either at the end of the serial number or on the lower portion of the cylinder frame, just in front of the grip frame.

I think it was a standard lightweight and maybe I mispoke when I said the barrel and gripframe were different colors. I was going on memory and probably meant the cyl frame is different color than the barrel and grip frame and the cylinder different than both. As i recall it looks just like the picture of the standard LW you show.
Where is the gunstore in Grants Pass? I am in Coos Bay and visit an aunt there once in awhile. I thought the stores were closed except for the one on the river south of town.
Bearstopper, you should get that tri-color lightweight Single Six if you can. They're pretty cool guns. Nothing like it before or since.


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