Let me preface this post with the statement that what I am about to relate is in no way, shape, or form a condemnation of Ruger or this pistol.
Also, to set the stage, the ammo was acquired back during the woo-flu debacle from a buddy's buddy who "Knew somebody."
I am guilty of stupidity.
This stuff did the same thing in my G19 X. I thought I had pulled the bullets in all of it and dumped the powder. Evidently I missed a few.
Anywhoo, got me a new RXM yesterday morning, grabbed a box of mixed rounds and hied me self off to the sand pit. Topped off both magazines and proceeded to make small pieces of blue rock out of big ones. Six rounds in and, damn, my hand stung a bit!
Blew the mag out and there was carbon marks on the tip of my trigger finger, the base of my finger by the mag release and the heel of my hand at the bottom of the grip.
Picked up the mag, stripped the rest of the rounds out, looked things over and saw no apparent damage. Reloaded with known factory rounds and fired a magazine full.
Went home and stripped things down for a closer look and found this.
Bottom right corner of mag catch.
Top right of mag well.
At least a new grip module is relatively cheap.
Not withstanding this hiccup, I am pleased with the pistol.
Also, to set the stage, the ammo was acquired back during the woo-flu debacle from a buddy's buddy who "Knew somebody."
I am guilty of stupidity.
This stuff did the same thing in my G19 X. I thought I had pulled the bullets in all of it and dumped the powder. Evidently I missed a few.
Anywhoo, got me a new RXM yesterday morning, grabbed a box of mixed rounds and hied me self off to the sand pit. Topped off both magazines and proceeded to make small pieces of blue rock out of big ones. Six rounds in and, damn, my hand stung a bit!
Blew the mag out and there was carbon marks on the tip of my trigger finger, the base of my finger by the mag release and the heel of my hand at the bottom of the grip.
Picked up the mag, stripped the rest of the rounds out, looked things over and saw no apparent damage. Reloaded with known factory rounds and fired a magazine full.
Went home and stripped things down for a closer look and found this.
Bottom right corner of mag catch.
Top right of mag well.
At least a new grip module is relatively cheap.
Not withstanding this hiccup, I am pleased with the pistol.