Ruger's in the background

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Dec 23, 2006
I made this post on a different site talking about the 3 Mossberg 500 20g i was building.BUT those ruger pistols + revolvers in the back ground stoled the show.So i just had to show them to all you Ruger guys to enjoy too.So i did a copy and paste and broght it over here . :D :D :lol:

I thought the morning lite coming in the windows would make for a nice picture,I mite have been mistaken. Heres the Mossberg 500 20g i put together for my shooter.

I had all the inside parts from these 3 20g guns cleaned in 1 of those electric water cleaners and i lost my interest it them.They take every speck of oil off the parts and even though you oil it as you put it together they end up turning the bolt face dull kinda rusty looking.A guy would have to soak the parts in oil for a day before using them after a bath like that.

I will come back and do that.I have to go raise my flag and clean out the garage.Its 12 years over do and i got to get my little dump truck in there for a brake job soon as possible.3 days now and i can at least walk through it end to end.