Ruger Standard Pistol and Provenance

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Apr 24, 2007
Brighton, MI, USA
Picked up at OGCA a few weeks ago. Nice condition and really like the paperwork. Wondering if any of you folks know this piece or used to own it? Thought Stephen Vogel on factory letter was cool.





Nice gun. It's hard to believe that you could buy a gun at a gas station. The good ole days for sure!
Yes, that gun is in my notes as once being owned by an individual by the name of Dave Williams. I saw it at Tulsa in 1994, but have it noted as a Type 5 Red Eagle in my notes (large safety button and rectangular port). Can you verify for me whether that gun has a 1/4" safety button or if it is larger than 1/4"? Dave must have reported the gun to me originally as having a small button.
As to Marvin Clark, he is still a member of the Red Eagle News Exchange.
Nice gun!!
The warranty card is not correct for that particular gun as it would have been used in about the 1972 or so time period. The correct warranty card for your gun should be a two-piece (with perforation in the middle) 2 cent with attachment string on a corner.

You are real good, the paperwork was in an envelope mailed to Dave Williams from Rich Machniak Nov 1994...guess we know who Dave bought it from in '94! Rich bought it back from Dave some time ago and I picked it up from Rich.

The safety is .250 based on my handy Starrett caliper. Does that make it Type 4 or 5? Need to dig up my Dougan book and find the post on RENE, looks like past due on signing up! Rich lives about 10 miles from me and between you guys and him, i am sure getting into this Ruger collecting hobby.

Thanks for the info on warranty the quest to find the right card.
If anyone knows of one please drop me a pm.

Thanks, JWH

PS someone I think named fred dropped me a pm about the gas station, sorry I must have accidentially deleted it, please resend. The station that originally sold it was in Berwyn, Illinois.
That was moi...thought the receipt said Berwyn, MD, which is right around the corner from where I used to live (PS - resent the original PM).
Hey your NEW gun caused my heart to skip a few beats when I saw it in Tulsa last fall.....I thought it's serial number was 9123 but thank goodness it is 9723.....seems I sold 9124 and was was greatly relieved that my eyes had played a cruel trick on me......NOPE NO Red Eagle consecutive.....nice pistol. Rich always has some really nice stuff. See ya RR.
JWHardin":1fwiv06w said:
The safety is .250 based on my handy Starrett caliper. Does that make it Type 4 or 5?

.250" should be the small button. But just to be sure, compare (hands on) with a later auto pistol. Let me know on this as it will revise the reference which currently has the Type 4 written up as follows:

Type 4 Red Eagle 4-3/4". Has flat muzzle crown and small (1/4") safety button. Known s/n range 9103 to 9624. About 350 made. One of the two most desirable red eagle variations along with the Type 2.

If yours is a Type 4 it sounds like it may be a parts bin gun.
9624 is also a late Type 4. The 11 pistols I have noted between 9411 and 9616 are type 5 Red Eagles, except for 9462 which is also a Type 4, so Ruger was definitely about rid of their old style grip frames.
My 350 estimate will probably stick.


Will look at a later auto pistol...however, may take some time as this is the latest one I have. The safety is for sure 1/4" checked again to be sure.

The bbl crown is flat, has 6 narrow lands in bbl, someone else mentioned this may mean something?

Will keep a look out for later one to compare...

Need to add shameless plug....Looking for correct warranty paper if anyone has one they could spare drop me a pm or email.

Thanks again guys for information, really appreciate it.


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