Greetings and welcome to this Forum. Being a relative newbie myself, I think you can encounter anything Rugerish here that you might need. Friendly folks. Looking for your news and views, also.
As for the gun, I say BUY IT!!!. My $300 purchase, less than 6 months ago, has appreciated to $450+ at the recent gun show. I have a 4" SS .38 cal PSS in better than nice shape and think it will end up being my "ultimate" and final gun (though I have a 6" GP 100, a nice NM SS .22 convertible and, most recently, a SBH Hunter in .45LC). If you don't want the 2" PSS, buy it and send it to me for a 25% markup!!! hahaha Seriously.
As I intended my 4" .38 spl for a defense/carry weapon, I don't mind that it doesn't have an adjustable rear sight, or a night sight for that matter. Where I'll need the gun, adjustable or hi-vis won't matter---and it's still a blast on the range at 25 +/- yards. I can hit paper at 100 yards, even. Not often, but often enough for a thrill!
As a matter of practice, I advise interested folks to buy ANY Service/Security Series revolvers. They are the predecessors to the GP 100s and, just plain and simple, fine weapons. I wish I'd found a .357 mag---better yet, a 9mm---but I'm still looking.
So---a holster. I carry my .38 PSS regularly, and confidently, in a leather belt holster made by Ross, designated for a 4" GP100. Being as the PSS is a blood relative to the GP100, it doesn't matter. This is an outside-the-belt rig that tucks nice and tight and, on my small frame (5'5"), is very comfortable walking, sitting, driving, whatever. The holster is well made and attractive. There isn't any retaining strap, but I've run, jumped and rolled down a hill without a problem. About $40 and well worth a look.
You didn't mention the caliber on this 2" PSS but, if you decide against it, let me know, and where/if I can step in, eh? I hope you get it, and I think you'll be happy!!!
Again, welcome to the Ruger Forum.