Noobie in search of Reasonably priced 10/22

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Oct 5, 2009
If anyone is willing to help me out, i'm no expert on the 10/22's but I am def. interested in purchasing one. Other than buying direct from Ruger, are there other companies that offer a cheaper, yet efficient product that is comparable to Ruger?

Thanks in Advance! 8)
Ruger doesn't sell firearms to individuals.

You'll have to purchase one at your local gun shop, sporting goods store, etc.

10/22s are wildly popular, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding them for sale if you have gun shops or sporting goods stores near you.

If you find a particular model you like on Ruger's website but no one nearby has it in stock, often a local shop will order one for you. You may have to pay up front if it's not something they would normally stock.

There are lots of alternatives to a 10/22, but the 10/22 is wildly popular for a reason:
-good value
-made in USA
-TONS of aftermarket support for accessories
-easy to work on, especially to swap barrels yourself
-universally recognized- good for resale, or if you need work done on it

If you're interested in reading about 10/22s, check out the forums over at . There's a ton of info there. Be careful that you don't end up spending the rest of your life reading and looking at pictures, not shooting!

You'll find lots of people who spend many hundreds of dollars upgrading their $150-200 10/22. That's fine, but far from necessary for most of us. Putting a quality optic on the rifle, doing some minor trigger improvements (like a drop-in kit from Volquartsen, etc.) and LOTS of practice will make you and your rifle into very fine shooters!

Good luck, and welcome to the Ruger Forum!
Other than new from a dealer.. just look for a used one at a local store or gun show. I would not purchase a 10/22 via the internet... all you are going to pay for is what someone has added on... and then you are going to have to add shipping and a FFL fee.

Local is better with this. I prefer to just by an older used model and start fixing her up.
Let me be the first to say "Welcome to the Forum!"
Now, since the 10/22 has been made in the millions, (literally) you should just start cruising the gun shows, gun shops, trade lots, flea markets, trader magazines etc and you will find one to your liking.
Generally a good condition factory stock (unmodified) version will be under $200.
You can find other .22s in same price range but the 10/22 is so easy to shoot and work on that you really don't want a different gun, my opinion :) . By the way welcome! You will like this forum. Very laid back and everyone is helpful and nice. There are other forums I look at also but you will sometimes get your head ripped off there just for asking a simple question. NOT HERE......enjoy and get that 10/22 :D
Thanks a lot for all the welcomes and info!!! I'm going to dig some more and narrow down what I like, but i can def. see how most own more than one. I will probably buy used and fix er up. I'll look around and thanks again, you guys are a lot nicer than most.

By the way, would an upgraded trigger group be necessary? or is the manufacture's still pretty decent? If not necessary, but recommended, what should I look for, even from Volquartsen?
By the way, would an upgraded trigger group be necessary?

Let's just say that the weight on the factory trigger is a bit on the heavy side...Ideal is the feel of breaking glass - not a bone snapping in your finger.

A hammer is all that needs to be replaced to bring it down some....about $30
Some people like the stock pull though.
and that's the 'disadvantage' of the 10/22, once you buy one and start messing with it... you'll probably pick up another before long... and then have a cigar box full of extra parts and such.

they are nothing but fun to shoot.... keep in mind, once you get used to the rifle.... then there is the next step, figuring out which ammo it likes....
I've been doing A LOT of searching and I actually by mistake came across I thought it was mistaken, because I have purchased their AR15 rifle kits before, but they actually show a few 10/22 stock chassis that resemble the AR15. Does anyone have one of these? If so, how was the quality? My M4 carbine i purchased from them is sweet, so I might seriously consider putting one of these at the top of my list. I looked at the Nordic Enterprises, but those are ridiculously expensive so I called and they ensured me these would be available by Nov. 15 and possibly priced around $150.00!!! Am I getting too excited... i'll stop. haha.

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