Nature at it's rawest

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Hashknife Hartley

Jul 16, 2003
Dewey, Arizona USA
A neighbor took this picture the other day up on the hill behind us and reminds us of what goes on out there. They think a lion probably killed the pronghorn and the coyote was just trying to get a little of it for breakfast, but don't know for sure. There is a pretty good pack of coyotes running in the area so they could have gotten it down I suppose, we hear them raising hell almost every night, yippin', yappin' and howling. They are where a lot of newborn fawns are going though. Here's the picture.

A few months ago, another neighbor had just gotten two little French bulldog puppies and the wife was out with them in front of the house and a coyote ran in, grabbed one and took off, they're pretty brazen.

Ugly Hombre

Aug 2, 2014
In the past- another country.
I do my old man exercises on a military base late at night sometimes- I have a nice practice place out side of where I used to work.

The base is full of wildlife- cougars, wild boar, deer, bob cats, and #$%$! coyotes.

I can hear them damn yotes killing something off in the distance almost every night I go out there.

Damn eerie- make you want to grab for your kwan dao.. lol

They are brazen as hell that's for sure- a girl who worked for me was scared to death of them they would hang around the dumpsters outside the barracks.

Scared the hell out of her more than once.

Hashknife Hartley

Jul 16, 2003
Dewey, Arizona USA
Yeah, that's what you'd like to do, but we're in the city limits of Prescott, and shooting isn't allowed, so if some other neighbor heard/saw it and turned you in, you'd be in trouble with the law. Plus, l don't know if this particular neighbor even has any firearms, a lot of us do, but some don't. If a coyote was threatening your dog or cat and up close and on your property, I think you could probably get away with discharging a firearm, but probably not in this situation, if you got caught.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
However,,, at my house,,, I'm not restricted. I shoot out my door whenever I feel like it.

Most city limits have laws against firearm discharge. BUT,,,,,, the very same cities do not have a law against archery. A crossbow,, and one dead coyote,,, legally!

Hashknife Hartley

Jul 16, 2003
Dewey, Arizona USA
Well, the biggest problem is there isn't enough control of coyote populations anymore. They banned poisons such as 1080 clear back in the early '70's and since then coyote populations have blossomed almost everywhere. The environmentalists and animal rights advocates got that done through the courts. I guess they think a coyote's life is more important than an animal like the pronghorn antelope. Good example happened right here in Arizona back in the '80's. A large wildlife unit with a large population of antelope, 4500 or so in the '60's and early '70's, starting declining and by the mid '80's was down to less then 2000. The Game and Fish started a study of what was happening and found out the coyote's had gotten so thick they were getting many of the new fawns every year. They actually witnessed coyote's following a doe until she started giving birth, pulled the fawn out and ate it on the spot. So the G&F started a helicopter gunning program during the fawning season, and immediately the antelope population rebounded. After a couple of years the animal rights people started raising hell about it and even sued the G&F and won, stopping the program. Back down went the antelope numbers; they saved a bunch of coyotes at the expense of the beautiful antelope. So, if you kill a coyote here, no matter what the means, you better be on totally legal ground, too many liberals.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I recall hearing about such stuff.
I've even had it explained that the eco-freaks WANT the game animals to decline,, to stop hunters,, and to remove the scientific proof that hunting is the best control methods for balancing animal numbers in the most economic ways.
What they fail to understand is that when predators like the coyotes outnumber the wild game,, Fluffy & Fido become their dinner.
Or,, sadly , even kids can get attacked.

(Side note; Just yesterday, we had a local news story about a coyote attacking a 9 yr old girl. Momma was able to get it off the girl and run it off. Bites & cuts on part of her face & legs. She's going to be ok, but is undergoing rabies treatment. This was in a suburban area. )
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
Coyotes are taking over Cape Cod and you fire a gun there and go to jail. One chewed up our neighbors cat a while back. I told him that I would invest in a crossbow and wait. They roam in the woodland behind his home.
Dec 1, 2007
Seems like every year for the past few years I read a news story about coyote attacks in the Colorado Springs area. A few years back, a lady working in her flowerbed was attacked and bitten in a neighborhood near Garden of the Gods. A couple of little kids were attacked on a school playground a while ago, as well. Pets are regularly lost to both coyotes and lions there. We hear a pack of coyotes on the golf course nearly every night when we are there. It seems to be getting out of hand.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I looked into the local attack. It was in an eastern NC county.

Coyotes are canines, and as such, can & do sometimes carry rabies. Controls are needed.

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