Missing firing pin rebound spring and pin in10/22 bolt

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Jan 31, 2001
So I've had this one 10/22 for a while that I bought as a receiver, bolt, and trigger groups from a guy on Craigslist. I assembled it into a rifle, but I've been getting pretty consistent FTFs with it, so I decided to take the bolt apart and clean the firing pin and channel. I look inside, and the firing pin return spring and the little pin that fits in the blind hole on the left of the receiver are missing!

Midway doesn't seem to carry them and Brownells wants more to ship them than what they cost. Does anyone know where I could find these two parts?
I've seen quite a few folks have success in the forum's classified section. Post a WTB, name your parts, and see who has one. I bet many times for smalll parts on popular guns, folks have an extra or two laying around they might give you free.

Just a thougth.
tabasco2112":2enphd28 said:
You know, I called Ruger a week ago to order the parts from them. They sent them free of charge! :)

That's a good thing. An expensive piece of hardware not to work properly because somebody didn't assemble the thing right!

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