Lazy LCP questions

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May 31, 2008
carroll county ms
I recently purchased a LCP since it is a little hard to conceal my SA when the weather gets to 100 deg. Times aren't getting any better and I might as well carry since I have had a permit for several years now.

My main question is what problems should I expect from it? I know that is a horrible question, but I hope that someone can tell me what to look for out of the ordinary in my new little pistol. Also, is there any ammo that gives problems? I plan on shooting only ball ammo, namely Remington and possibly WWB to help prevent feeding problems from HP's. What is the break in count on these? Hopefully it is something like 4 to 5 rounds (380 ball is still hard to find, plenty of HP though) :)

My LCP is SN 371-9077X and the shell is dated 6-15-09.
Any of the rounded hollowpoints will feed just fine. Stay away from the truncated cone hollow points, some have had problems with that sticking in the magazine. Golden Saber works very well for me, but it is hard to find.

Yours should have all the updates, and it's a really simple gun, so you should be just fine.
tek4260":2iiori6d said:
My main question is what problems should I expect from it?

How would you possibly have any problems ?? It's not a Taurus is it ? :D

Shouldn't have a problem as mentioned. Maybe the first few shots. It should be ready to go after two boxes of whatever.
It all works.
WWB works great if you can find them. I use Hornady personal defense rounds for carry and have shot about 50 of them out of it and about 300 WWB from it. One thing to expect is that it hurts a bit to shoot if you have big hands. its hard to get a good grip on it. I added the little finger grove end to my mag and it made it a bit easier.
I also added an arma-laser so I can just bring it up and have quick point of aim. With the arma-laser you get a small holster that fits in the pocket and still covers the trigger.

Ruger has now fixed most of the problems that those of us who bought the first LCP's endured. The latest problem though that I have experienced has been that the take down pin on my LCP flew out, the spring inside the frame that holds the take down pin in dropped out of sight and the slide went flying off. I got an email from Ruger today saying that it is now on its way back to me. They have had it since July 15th