my buddy picked one up at a local store for $437 out the door...he just got his license so he was looking for a good comfortable carry gun so i helped him pick it out tho he really wanted a bigger caliber i convinced him that first he needs to learn about how a firearm functions,how to diagnose issues,and of course how to stay safe at all times...that and he needs to lose a few before tryin to hide a .45 sig...lol...so after i taught him how to field strip and clean off to the range we went!...fired about 150 rounds of wwb and 50 or so rounds of magtech hp and jsp and had only one ftf due to a bad primer...second strike and still didn't go off...other than that the weapon performed flawless and was suprisingly accurate out of the box...my buddy was all over the place but i managed 3" groups at 25 feet!!!...all headshots!...soory for the long winded post i just wanted to share my experience with the sr9c tho i know alot of people have been having problems i just wanted to let everyone know i think it's a fine weapon and i'm thinking about geetin' one to compliment my kp345.....i love rugers man!