Electronics Karma- The winner is gjgalligan

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Apr 21, 2009
western Ky
This hard drive from my Toshiba Satellite can be used as a replacement hard drive, for transferring data or as a back-up hard drive when using the HD enclosure (Or so I have been told. I had to buy the enclosure so that they could save my hard drive info and transfer it to my new computer). Both the hard drive and the enclosure/reader are in great shape. Hard drive has been mostly wiped. All that is left on it is the Toshiba info. The Nexstar CX hard drive enclosure was ordered new and only used this one time to transfer my data. Contest ends at midnight Saturday night (November 15). Drawing to be held on Sunday.

The hard drive is still in the enclosure.

Congrats to gjgalligan. PM sent. Thanks to all who participated!
Apr 21, 2009
western Ky
Bear Paw Jack said:
Since I don't know what it is or how it works I shouldn't be included. But it does look like a good Karma and it's appreciated.

LOL. Neither did I. I was told what to order, and my former boss took my laptop apart and removed the hard drive. Then he popped it in the enclosure reader and put the info on my desk computer. Then he erased my pictures and stuff off of the hard drive. I was hoping someone could use it as I am not replacing my laptop, at least for a while.


Sep 17, 2011
Gulf Coast, Fla.
I do not, nor do I ever plan on owning a laptop. But this is a neat karma and one that I might be able to find a use for. So please add my name to the list. If I don't find a use for it, I can always re-karma it. Isn't that kinda like re-gifting? Thanks for the chance.