Double fire with the SR9 ?

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Mar 19, 2009
Hi everyone, Last time at the range my SR9 did a double fire very fast. It only did it one time. It's like it went full auto for two rounds. Other then that my SR9 has worked great.

Is that something I should be concerned about ?
How many rounds through it? I'd probably be concerned if it began doing it consistently. Is it possible that you just flinched and quickly pulled the trigger a second time? Reset is fairly quick with the new SR9 trigger..
I have put about 1000 rounds through it. I put 6 rounds in the clip when at the range and I remember my first shot was about 3 inchs off so I fixed my grip and pulled the trigger very slow and then it went bang bang. It's like the recoil might have made me fire the second round. I was not able to do it again .

sr9florida":20jlls7h said:
It's like the recoil might have made me fire the second round. I was not able to do it again .


Probably what happened. I once had this occur with a S&W M29 revolver. The shots landed about four inches apart on the target.
Before the recall, there were two instances of an SR9 going 'full auto' at the range I shoot at some times. After firing a few rounds from the mag, the rest ALL went downrange at once! After the second time, the range banned all SR9's until they were fixed.

I am convinced that THIS is why the recall really happened. Can't prove it, and when I sent mine in and asked about it the Ruger person on the phone said that they had not heard of this happening. ? ?? ?
Shoot44":k0jb3708 said:
Before the recall, there were two instances of an SR9 going 'full auto' at the range I shoot at some times. After firing a few rounds from the mag, the rest ALL went downrange at once! After the second time, the range banned all SR9's until they were fixed.

I am convinced that THIS is why the recall really happened. Can't prove it, and when I sent mine in and asked about it the Ruger person on the phone said that they had not heard of this happening. ? ?? ?

I know of at least one full auto incident after recall with video to back it up. As much as I love my SR9 I cannot shoot it without wondering when another problem is going to develop.
The video Mike7 is talking about is mine. My SR9 #1 when full auto several times after the recall and after 2 trips back to the factory. Also, continuing trigger reset failures. They finally issued me a new gun after I kindly provided the dvd video.

According to my detailed maintenance logs, I have fired 2050 rounds through SR9 #2. I have had 7 failures of the trigger to reset. Ruger sent me a new trigger bar reset and lift spring, and through the last 355 rounds the trigger has been resetting fine. I have had no barrel peening issues with either gun.

I love the feel and accuracy of the SR9, but trigger reset failures, combined with a 9lb 10oz trigger pull, have left this gun semi-retired.

I bought an M&P Pro 9mm for gun games, and could not be happier. My scores have gone way up using the Pro. I use my Kahr P9 or M&P 9c, both with CTC lasers, for carry.

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