Advice on Ruger Revolvers for Carry

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Jul 19, 2013
I've got a SBH Bisley Hunter with a Leupold FXII 2x20 mounted as my go to whitetail firearm, and I've quickly grown to love Ruger revolvers and the 44 magnum cartridge. Now, I'm looking at various carry options. It has to be a revolver, and it has to be a Ruger. I'm a big guy, and I've learned that a Simply Rugged holster makes even a cannon feel totable. So I'm keeping big bore options on the table, even though I may well opt for 44 special or two rounds of 44 special backed with four of 44 magnum.

Here's what I'm considering:

KRH-444 Redhawk 4 inch

HKGP-33-NVK Clapp Dist. Exclusive GP100 (or the stock 3 inch with after market compact grip)

KSP-331X 3 inch SP101

Yes, the SP101 is clearly the easiest to carry, but that's not a big selling point for me. I'm stubborn enough to be the exception to the "so heavy it stays in the drawer" old chestnut. Plus I believe in a quality belt and holster for a quality pistol. I've checked it out in person, and it feels like a great natural pointer, but the five shots bugs me, because if Ruger made a 7 shot, I'd sooner opt for that than a 5.
They're all viable and good choices assuming your frame and your rig will allow you to conceal the gun and not frequently "print" when carrying. Don
I'd go with the GP100 with fixed sights and after market grips, I love mine. It is just as easy to carry as my SP101. Ed

I carry my 4" GP100 when hiking, hunting, etc in my deer timber with no issues. For CCW though I carry my LCR 38 or SR9c.
A lot depends on your reasons, as mohavesam has asked. Also on your location as far as clothes you can wear to hide your gun. Of your 3 choices, the WC GP100 would be my choice.
Not to muddy the waters, but check out this S&W 327. It is the ultimate CCW .357 mag in my opinion. Lightweight, and 8 shots, fixed sights, cut for moon clips. Almost 15 oz lighter than the fixed sight GP100, 4 oz lighter than the SP101. It is quite a package.
I have a 4 inch Redhawk .44 mag and an SP-101 in .357. I had an GP-100 with a 4 inch. I am 5' 10" and weigh 180 lbs. very short waisted. I find carrying either the Redhawk or the GP in a belt holster for long periods 8-12 hrs gives me a back ache (yes, I have simply rugged). I find for really long periods of carry that a shoulder holster is ideal for me-Uncle Mikes vertical. The SP-101 is carried with an IWB Ken Null holster and a bianchi belt slide OWB. When in Alaska I carried the Redhawk(Simply Rugged for winter days). In the lower 48 I carry the SP. The ammo it is stoked with changes depending on what I percieve to be the threat. Ie: 125 grs(HP/SP) for city carry, and 158gr lswc over 13.5 grs of 2400 for woods carry. If I anticipate bear I'll load up with Corbon's 200 gr. Good luck with your choices.
JFB said:
are the GP100 or the SP101 in 44?
Of course not, but most everything points to 357 being the better magnum for carry, so even though I love the 44 -- the 357s make the list. There would be more 44s on there, but Ruger doesn't make much in the way of shorter 44s.

I'm not a fan of the Super Redhawk, unfortunately, so the Alaskan is out.

mohavesam said:
Carry for what, exactly? hike, bike, mall or driving, etc.?

Great question. About 90% personal/home defense and 10% woods/water carry. This is why I'm open to shooting some 44 special, because I know the 44 magnum is more medicine than I need for two-legged threats.
I carry a SP101 357 mag with 2 1/4" barrel in a Forbus paddle holster on my waist covered with a long shirt, don't even know it's there most of the time carries very well.
If you are open to .44Spec then there is the Flattop SA .44 Specials or New Vaqueros. I actually have two types of guns for the purposes you mentioned. The SA revolvers for the great out doors (fishing/camping/hiking/etc.), and a .44Special Bulldog for the house/personal/CC protection in town. The Bulldog is the only DA I own and probably ever own (never say never though) .

...but most everything points to 357 being the better magnum for carry
More of that .38/.357 hype being passed around? :) I'll carry my big bore over the peanut bore anytime if possible. Just my preference :) .
You should carry what you like and shoot the best. Don't let anyone else decide for you.

Also, if you're quandaring shooting inside your home, don't forget to consider the percussion, or concussion. It can leave you deaf or almost deaf, not to mention bewildered.
It is not how it feels when you put it on but how it feels 5 hours later. The idea that 5 vs 6 shots mattering is not an issue. If 5 shots leaves you wanting more than 6 would leave you wanting 7. I would go with the sp101 if you live in an area where summer dress is light shirt and shorts. Even then it will be a bit awkward when hot.
Not to muddy up the waters here, but...

Yesterday, I stopped at a local convenience store here in southcentral Pa. and I noticed a guy walking in wearing a single-action revolver(we have open carry here in Pa).

Anyway, I struck up a conversation with the gentleman...mostly because I was curious about his holster. Turned out it was some sort of Bianchi 1911 that he was using to carry his polished stainless New Vaquero Sherriff's Model in .44Special.

He had Gary Reeder do some work on the revolver including a set of white Corian grips on a re-shaped grip frame. Sharp looking piece. He said that after 1K+ rounds the grips were still like new and he was well pleased with all the work Reeder had done on the revolver.

A little different take on a carry gun.

FWIW...I have been known to carry my Lipsey's Flat Top .44Special in my coat pocket on convenience store runs at times.

Nice to know I am not the only guy that thinks a single-action revolver is a viable protection piece.
If you look at all of them side by side you will clearly see the difference in size. The SP101 is the smallest.

GP100 - 6 shot
SP101 - 5 shot

I carry a SP101 in a Simply Rugged Silver dollar pancake in the waist band appendix position all day long.
You don't say where you are. You mention whitetails, so I'm guessing the NE, somewhere.

There's no reason to carry a 44 mix in the woods. Either the 44 special or 357 will do fine in the NE and you need HEAVY 44 mag loads if you go where the big boys go. You won't have time to get 3 shots off if charged.

The 357 and 44 spl will likely do equally well against 2-legged foes. If you need more, a 44 mag, 45 Colt or 41 mag would be in order.