A taste of Idaho

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Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
This time of year often finds us stumbling around in a daze, with a dreadfull case of Winter blahs , or more commonly known as cabin fever. Hunting season is over, the Holidays have come and gone, the bills are showing up, all that great holiday chow is now being carried in front of us. It's cold out ! About the only thing that brings us comfort is a nice fire in the wood stove, some good memories of the past hunting season, and lastly, comfort food.

My comfort food started as a 3"X5" card I got in Idaho, from sixshots wife, Ruthann, or as I call her, sideshot. She's always by Dick's side :D . Ruthann makes the BEST buttermilk baking powder biscuits , anywhere, bar none. She graciously gave me her recipe on the said card.

Earlier, I received a package from callshot. After cautiously shaking and having my dog sniff it, and finally soaking in a pail of water, I figured it was safe to open. Good thing ! For inside, callshot sent me his stool sample. Funny guy :shock: ! However, nestled next to the stool sample, and miniature dutch oven, was the treasure I was seeking. Huckleberry honey ! Callshot got me hooked on the addictive berry of the gods, on my visit there. He knew I was in serious withdrawal, and took pitance on me.

So today, Groundhogs Day and my dog Ruger's Birthday, I figured I would cook a roast, homemade biscuits, smothered in butter and huckleberry honey. MMMMMMM, MMMMMMM, MMMMM !!!!!

This stuff is great !
Here's the biscuits I made from Ruthanns recipe.


Here's where the two met, huckleberry honey and biscuits


Here's callshots stool sample and mini dutch he sent me.


Well, the biscuits didn't turn out as good as Ruthann's, I figured as much. However, the huckleberry honey brought them up to snuff. As we ate dinner, I would occassionally laugh to myself, as I looked at our center piece, callshots stool sample atop my mini dutch oven. Yeah, I know, I'm probably getting a little stir crazy myself, but it was a fun meal, and a fun way to remember good times in Idaho. Thanks Dick and Steve.

Steve, I will reciprocate, and send you my stool sample. I've got a nice mayonaise jar just for the job :D :shock: :shock: :D :lol: :lol: .


Aug 20, 2006
soda springs, idaho
Knowing you are an accomplished cook yourself I'm sure those bisquits turned out perfect, you probably even fed some to Ruger. Looked Great!



Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
Thanks, Jeff! for what I don't know? You could probably cook everything that you got during hunting season in the 5 inch Dutch Oven. Just don't burn it by taking a nap while cooking. :eek: :p Thanks for advertising the honey for me. I now have orders for 23,000 bottles and no way to get to the post office. Fed Ex and UPS have turned me down believing that it was toxic material that could explode. Go easy on it as it is the only bottle left on earth. :D As for the stool sample, just follow the directions on the lid. SIT ON IT AND ROTATE :roll: Steve

jpb in me

Dec 18, 2009
Maine woods
Well Jeff i went to a gun show here in Maine about a month ago and guess what catches my eye almost immediately? Your probably thinking a beautiful 3 screw unfired flattop. No.... it was two well used and seasoned dutch ovens. I started to chuckle thinking could this could possibly be the guy from the ruger forum that somehow managed to take my thoughts away from handguns and was now tempting me with all these pictures of scrumptious foods. You haven't been to Maine lately have you?

(funny story above guys, am so familiar with cabin fever)


Dec 30, 2009
South Carolina
I got to wonder what ya'll feed your bees out there cause mine will not haul in Huckelberrys no way no how...

Looks delicious though!

Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
Steve, your monumental sense of humor is only over shadowed by your magnaminous personality, and un-nerving wit. :D For a guy missing his trigger finger, and one eye, bad back, and one leg longer than the other, you're OK in my book. You're a man of many talents , that have yet been discovered.

That 5 inch pot is the only size I can safely lift, without spilling anything. Thank You ! Perfect size, for me and my friends.

jpb, I'm only a mear rookie to Dutch oven cooking , compared to sixshot. He is the true guru to cast iron cookery.

cphilip, those bees didn't carry those huckleberries. A good source has it that Steve was picking huckleberries and happened to have a jar of honey with him. As his blood glucose dropped, he needed a shot of honey. With the open jar sitting on a nearby log, a magpie, full of huckleberries, relieved itself , as it flew over the jar. Steve, dumdfounded, looked at the jar, and immediately thought of me.

Steve is quite witty, and Dick is just plain funny. I'm proud to call both of them good friends :D .


Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
cphilip, the bees bringing in huckleberries is not the problem here. It is when the mosquitoes start to carrying you away for lunch that you have to look out. My bees were near some Sanfoine ( spellun dont kount) It makes good light colored honey. I added the huckleberries later just for Jeff.


Dec 30, 2009
South Carolina
Speaking of light honey and bees, we have a split season here where we get our light honey out in the early Summer and then if we are lucky we get a late Summer batch of Dark honey that we like to call "Sour Wood" honey... that we have convinced the flat landers is special and is worthy of more money. Now, normally dark honey doesn't sell as good, as you know. But we have turned it into a delicacy through repeated lies... um... erm... I mean marketing....

Here are the two side by side. Note the light honey (in this case with chunk of comb) is from the very same hive only about two months or so apart.


In actuality, people do find the darker honey to be milder and smoother in flavor.


Aug 20, 2006
soda springs, idaho
Thanks to cphilip in South Carolina I happen to be the proud owner of those 2 bottles of honey, had some tonight for supper on one of Ruth Ann's buttermilk bisquits......she also made up a wonderful pot of homemade taco soup, the bisquits, honey & soup caused me to lay down on the floor, my head 18' off the floor like a seal & just smile! :lol:
Jeff, that Callshot is a funny dude, because of that short leg its hard to get him in the building when we drive to Logan, Utah for our weekly pistol match, we get him out of the van & he starts circling! Have to lead him inside & get him lined up on the targets are he'd stay outside & freeze to death. He doesn't even smile when I tell him to keep an eye out for me, more like a mad stare! His back is getting better but he still sounds like the 4 clicks on an old model when he stands up! :cry:
The short finger gets used on the short shots & his good finger on the long shots! :roll:



Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Having partaken in a lot of this very unusual, (but fun) company,, I have to smile when I read these posts.
I will second the FACT that Miss Ruth-Ann's biscuits are second to none, and brought back memories of a lady long past,,,! (RIP Belle!)
The rest of this,, I refuse to comment. I'll take the 5th!
And yes,, sourwood honey is a very sweet, light tasting honey,, that is well sought after around here.
Now,, I didn't get to sample the huckleberry honey while there,, so I guess I need to make a return trip west,,! :D


Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
They all get nervous when I drive to a shoot. Dick even gets in the back so he will be farther away from the crash. I can always out shoot him when he is nervous after a ride with me. I once dribbled his head off the roof of my Blazer. He wasn't good for anything for about 2 months. You guys can't stand straight up on a side hill to shoot at anything, even if you have both eyes. :roll: :roll: It only costs me half as much for a set of spectacles as you two-eyed raccoons have to pay. I know, because I will get my new one next week. I might also get an extension for my short leg if I get enough tax refund. Until then have a miserable life, unless you have made other plans. :p Steve

Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
Yeah, I did that, Dick . Never knew running a sifter was such hard work ! Pumped up the forearms pretty good . I just remember hers being so flaky, almost in layers. Guess I need more practice :D .


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I meant to get my copy of that little 3"x5" card like yours Jeff that Ruth-Ann offered but it slipped my mind. My biscuits pale in comparrison to hers! But I do recall the look on your face at the size of her flour bag,,,! :D

Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
Yeah, being a city boy, but country at heart, I never saw a 25 lb. sack of flour before.


Oct 24, 2008
OK, seriously... I don't seem to be understanding what the "stool sample" really is?