6.5 Grendel Ranch rifle first rounds

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Dec 25, 2007
Yesterday, I found time to shoot the new RR 6.5Gr. Initial shots were 7-8 rounds of WOLF 123 FMJ. Accuracy was surprising, chambering and ejection were stubborn, and magazine feed was iffy. Got scope semi-zeroed, cleaned bore and chamber again, shot 6 rounds of Hornady 123 HPBT Black with mediocre results. Cleaned bore more aggressively, swapped magazines and shot 5 more same ammo. Accuracy improved considerably to nearly acceptable, feeding improved somewhat. Called it a day.
Observations: I'm not impressed with the way AR mags fit and two identical appearing mags produced significantly different feeding characteristics. The bolt rides over, drags on, and sometimes catches the follower of an empty mag. Fed rounds seem to lack guidance after being released by mag feed lips. This and the very sharp case shoulder leads to rounds failing to chamber freely. About 1 of 3 rounds failed to properly feed/chamber. Hopefully, this will improve as break in progresses. The detachable mag feature was one of my primary 'wants' but unfortunately, seems to be a hinderance rather than a plus. Trigger is in the OK range and rifle is comfortable to shoot.
Upside: With a YHM .30 TURBO K mounted, the package is exactly 42" long. About the same length as a full sized 22" barrel rifle. If the feeding improves and the accuracy becomes more consistent, I'll be fairly satisfied.
Don't shoot it over a chrono. That's what got me out of the Grendel game. I gave up on Mini platform years ago. Anything a mini will do, the equal $$$ AR will do more better
Eight rounds this morning to re-zero with the muffler mounted. Final 2 rounds 1/2" apart 1" high @ 100 yards. Hornady 123 SST hunting loads. Ear safe to boot. 200-250 yard deer harvester.