Who puts up a Christmas Tree?

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Sep 10, 2010
My wife and I love having a Christmas tree in the house over the holidays. This year's tree is a balsam that I pulled out of the ground when it was about a foot tall and replanted it in our field, probably 12 years ago. Just about every decoration on it was handmade by my wife.

Who else puts up a tree?
Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
This is one thing I have never really understood. If I understand correctly, the evergreen tree used as a Christmas tree is supposed to symbolize everlasting life. So, you kill a perfectly good tree to symbolize life? Makes no sense IMHO. At least use an artificial tree. And yes, I know that Christmas trees are farmed like any other crop. It is the symbolism I don't get. Of course, most folks probably don't know what the tree is meant to symbolize. It is just part of the commercialization of Christmas. All this is JMHO, and I really don't want to argue about it. Do what makes you happy, I do. 😎 My wife has spent years assembling a collection of Santas that she likes to display, some of which are really old, handmade and painted. One has been in her family for several generations. Kinda cool.


Dec 4, 2021
This is one thing I have never really understood. If I understand correctly, the evergreen tree used as a Christmas tree is supposed to symbolize everlasting life. So, you kill a perfectly good tree to symbolize life? Makes no sense IMHO. At least use an artificial tree. And yes, I know that Christmas trees are farmed like any other crop. It is the symbolism I don't get. Of course, most folks probably don't know what the tree is meant to symbolize. It is just part of the commercialization of Christmas. All this is JMHO, and I really don't want to argue about it. Do what makes you happy, I do. 😎 My wife has spent years assembling a collection of Santas that she likes to display, some of which are really old, handmade and painted. One has been in her family for several generations. Kinda cool.
Some actually use a live tree and plant it after the holidays. It takes a little more effort to lug tree and soil in and out, and to keep it alive till you can plant it, but I guess if you're not that worried about the symbolism it's worth it.

Edit: We went the live tree route, untill we ran out of places to plant them and the neighbors wouldn't take any more off our hands, then went back to a cut tree. My old dog, Angus, (RIP son) used to stand in front it with his nose buried in it and his eyes closed for a while several times a day, untill it was time to take it down. He enjoyed the smell of it as much as we did.
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Jun 26, 2003
That's a perfect picture of ours.....

It's a beauty and can be boxed up and put away until next year....

I had a friend who used to have a fake, 6 foot decorated tree that he would cover with plastic and (with help...me) carry it down to the basement of his house for storage till next year. Then, he'd invariably call me for help again :)


Dec 3, 2021
This is one thing I have never really understood. If I understand correctly, the evergreen tree used as a Christmas tree is supposed to symbolize everlasting life. So, you kill a perfectly good tree to symbolize life? Makes no sense IMHO. At least use an artificial tree. And yes, I know that Christmas trees are farmed like any other crop. It is the symbolism I don't get. Of course, most folks probably don't know what the tree is meant to symbolize. It is just part of the commercialization of Christmas. All this is JMHO, and I really don't want to argue about it. Do what makes you happy, I do. 😎 My wife has spent years assembling a collection of Santas that she likes to display, some of which are really old, handmade and painted. One has been in her family for several generations. Kinda cool.
How about a picture or two of these Santas Mr. Christmas Tree Scroogeeee 🥸


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
For most of my life,, I'd make sure I found a good tree to be harvested & used as our Christmas tree. Usually, while I was out deer hunting & walking the woods.
Well, Miss Penny got to nudging me towards an artificial tree,, saying it'd be "easier" on me etc. I finally relented about 3 years ago,, and we bought a fake one.
I keep threatening to break it & go back to a real one. She counters with saying that if ours breaks,, the next one will be bigger. :D

Yep,, we do a tree every year.


Mar 19, 2011
Our family is highly religious and have had a tree, well, since forever. Our decorations have been moderate. After our sons left the nest, THEIR displays have been awsome. My youngest just got married, and thus combined 2 households. He showed us pics of the SIX trees he has in his house.

In years past, we bought open property and planted state sponsored trees. They cost only a few pennies each. As they grew and took up space we would cut one out to thin the woods, plus have a fragarant tree for the living room.

Now they are all in the 30 foot range, so we simply rely on an artificial. (lots less mess as well)

Trees are a renewable resource. Artificial trees are made in part from petroleum products. Thus, I can't say anything bad about people that cut a tree for Christmas. As long as they put up any kind of tree.
Oct 24, 2007
We've been using the same fake tree for close to thirty years. It's about five feet tall and once strung with way too many tiny lights and way too many decorations you really can't tell it from a real one without close examination. We'll assemble it next week.

It disassembles to store in a box measuring about twelve inches by twelve inches by 36 inches or so. :)


May 9, 2022
My wife put up the tree this year due to me not being home. We usually get them from Lowe's after Thanksgiving. We enjoy them for what they are and the cats have another place to hide.

This reminds me of my son's second Christmas. We didn't have much money. I just started a job in early December and received my first paycheck on December 23 so all of our shopping would have to be done on December 24th. We stopped by a lot that still had trees on Christmas Eve and they just gave it to us. They said it was because they found all of their stolen tools that morning. Nevertheless, we were just happy to have a tree to take pictures in front of and put our few presents under.
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
We used to have a tree and all the ornaments. Now it's just the two of us and we have a ceramic with an inside light that we use. It was originally my mom's so it has seen many Christmases. I used to decorate the house but now the cold air is too much trouble for my breathing and Linda is physically unable.