Value of consecutive pairS Anniversary Models

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Sep 30, 2000
My camera is on loan right now so lets see if I can adequately explain what my question is.

I have 2 matched sets of consecutive Anniversary flattop editions, one set in 357 mag and one set in 44 mag.

All guns are 3 digit.

357 and 357 consecutive
match 3 digits to
44 and 44 consecutive

Of course, the prefixes are different.

Would there be a premium on the sale of all four?



Mar 24, 2006
Is this the scenario that you mean? If so then Yes, I as a NM/FT collector would place a premium on them. BUT not all three digits are equal,,, :wink: :) ,,the lower the better and the higher the premium.

Remember numbers mean nothing to shooter for the most part, so no premium there. Where as to some collectors numbers are everything. Just need to find the collector who needs these. JMO!!

520-00106 - 520-00107,,,, .357 Mag.
89-00106 - 89-00107 ,,,, .44 Mag.

Dec 11, 2002
Ohio , U.S.A.
we've had this talk before over the years, and good info above, as we all know much of this is a "numbers" game to many so called 'collectors' whether consecutive or matching numbers, and so many scenarios hard to figure ,let alone pin down any "set" values, like Terry said and my wife always notes, there are a LOT 3 digit numbers, and like 'flatgates', number #100 guns, the bottom ,lowest of numbers, BUT so is # 999 ??? what is the better value, more desireable?? aside from any "favorite" or meaningful number, it is subjective.......soooo that being said we feel two digit guns are more value, and four digits guns, oh well, gotta be "less".........
now the onus is on consecutive and /or "matching" (same numbers)///many years ago back in the day of the "old models" many collectors felt and would add a "premium" of 50 % to a matched or consecutive offering,I do NOT feel this holds true to the "new" models, far too many digits and its just NOT the same....just MY opinion, and my .02 cents...and what we've seen on guns for sale, at shows, in shops, and overall.....just think back to when Ruger around 2007, was offering the last of the 50th anniversary Blackhawks and we could have gotten BOTH the 357 as well as the 44 magnum, in a glass covered, wooden presentation case and ALL COMPLETE for $895 from CDNN, that was then, this is the math, add for inflation, and bottom line what I call the "pucker factor" how bad does some-one want or "need" what is for sale.........I"m still sitting on a brand new 50th anniversary 44 mag flatop and I am hard pressed for ANY lookers in the high $550-595 range at the past 7 gun shows !!!!!!!
GOOD luck, and Merry Christmas
Oct 24, 2007
This scenario can go on and on because folks place different significance on things. Yes, having a two-or-three digit "run" is cool . . . particularly if it's in Old Models . . . more particularly if you have numerically identical "runs" in other chamberings/models.

There are those who place more emphasis on "first and last" sets such as the 100/999 combination Dan mentioned.

Some like to get "one of each" in the same barrel length, all chamberings. Others go for all the barrel lengths available in a specific chambering/model.

Some like blue, some like stainless.

Acquiring these special assortments may be rewarding to the individual, but not necessarily so to any other individual, particularly when "value" is considered. I really don't think there's a common evaluation for "sets" no matter what description. As in all collecting, it just comes down to two folks agreeing on a price.

All JMHO and I'm not a collector so much as an "accumulator".

;) :mrgreen: ;)
Oct 24, 2007
street said:
Ale-8(1) said:
All JMHO and I'm not a collector so much as an "accumulator".

;) :mrgreen: ;)

I was just wondering!!! Is a collector also an accumulator??? :wink:

Technically, I suppose so. But I add a further stipulation to the term "collector" that indicates a well-formed plan for acquiring a specific, somehow-related series of objects based on the individual's interests and tastes, whilst an "accumulator" just sorta gathers in whatever strikes his fancy on the spur of the moment, with no apparent rhyme or reason to the selection. An "accumulator" can perhaps tend to go for stuff having an apparent connection in style, configuration, etc, but it's not really necessary. It's more of a "hey, that's cool, I NEEEEED it".

And then there's JOHNNY WACKO who collects accumulations, or accumulates collections . . . I'm not sure which.

:wink: :wink: :wink:


Jan 22, 2001
Dawson, Iowa started out as an accumulator in the late 1960's. He wanted an example of each of the model series they had at the time, a .357 Blackhawk, .41 Blackhawk, .45 Blackhawk, Old Army, .44 Carbine etc. etc. Then he decided he was really a collector.
I.M.O., If you have more than one gun that you can shoot at a time, you are a collector....doesn't have to be for intrinsic value.
Oct 24, 2007
chet15 said: started out as an accumulator in the late 1960's. He wanted an example of each of the model series they had at the time, a .357 Blackhawk, .41 Blackhawk, .45 Blackhawk, Old Army, .44 Carbine etc. etc. Then he decided he was really a collector.
I.M.O., If you have more than one gun that you can shoot at a time, you are a collector....doesn't have to be for intrinsic value.

Upon considered reflection, I believe I'll answer to the title Advanced Accumulator.



Jan 10, 2008
Vinton, VA
Ale-8(1) said:
street said:
Ale-8(1) said:
All JMHO and I'm not a collector so much as an "accumulator".

;) :mrgreen: ;)

I was just wondering!!! Is a collector also an accumulator??? :wink:

Technically, I suppose so. But I add a further stipulation to the term "collector" that indicates a well-formed plan for acquiring a specific, somehow-related series of objects based on the individual's interests and tastes, whilst an "accumulator" just sorta gathers in whatever strikes his fancy on the spur of the moment, with no apparent rhyme or reason to the selection. An "accumulator" can perhaps tend to go for stuff having an apparent connection in style, configuration, etc, but it's not really necessary. It's more of a "hey, that's cool, I NEEEEED it".

And then there's JOHNNY WACKO who collects accumulations, or accumulates collections . . . I'm not sure which.

:wink: :wink: :wink:
The last time I saw someone dance around a question that they knew the answer but didn't want to admit to it, was when you ask a Democrat why Hillary lost the election. They came up with the Russian stole it. Trump somehow cheated to win. All of the bigots came out to vote for him. The hacked E-mails and so on and so on.

It's been my observation that at one time or the other a gun owner has made fun of someone that collect guns and the next thing he knows he looks in his safe and it's full of guns. It just couldn't be that he is actually a collector so they have to come up with another term. "I KNOW I WILL BE AN ACCUMULATOR!" Ops make that "AN Advanced Accumulator". That's much better then being a crazy collector. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dec 11, 2002
Ohio , U.S.A.
true "collectors" are very selective in just what , and how nice, as well as "rare" their stuff is, as for 'ALe-8s use of accumulator, I have found them to be in the 'advanced ' range of users, they buy to use, just gets a bit out of hand and before they know it, they have too many, ....then what "peaks" their interest, then they move up, select and find the BEST, ( replace the lessor version) and become more "advanced"....aside from the FACT most "accumulators" pick up a variety of LOTS of different stuff, NOT just any make or model........
true collectors are "purists" the rest of us 'ain't'........ 8) :roll:
"just the temporary custodians............" and on and on and on.... :wink:

Merry Christmas
Oct 24, 2007
street said:
It's been my observation that at one time or the other a gun owner has made fun of someone that collect guns and the next thing he knows he looks in his safe and it's full of guns. It just couldn't be that he is actually a collector so they have to come up with another term. "I KNOW I WILL BE AN ACCUMULATOR!" Ops make that "AN Advanced Accumulator". That's much better then being a crazy collector. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I cast no aspersions upon those I consider to be COLLECTORS. They know what they like and go after it with vigor. It's their money and their choice. I consider them to be the BIG DAWGS of the hobby, and every hobby needs some.

In my case, even though I might be an ADVANCED accumulator, I understand that I do not play the game at the same level as actual COLLECTORS, but hope to watch and learn from them.

It's as simple as that, IMHO.

And I'd really like to spend an afternoon at JOHNNY WACKO's place . . . in awe.


PS . . . Dan, we're ALL just "temporary custodians". :roll:


Jan 9, 2004
Bowling Green, Oh
Hey now don't be messin with JIM BOB :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I have always wanted to do a display called "MY PILE OF RUGER STUFF" and just pile my JUNK on the table....

A Fast and Easy Display.....why get things all complicated :!: :!: :!: RR