U.S. Law Shield - What happened today

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Aug 4, 2022
Shelby County
I have Tennessee enhanced carry permit and I will be going out of town to Missouri very soon so I decided to take advantage of a member perk and contact them for general info as Missouri is a restricted reciprocity state. When you call the 24/7 non emergency hotline to ask legal questions it really goes to U.S. Law Shield and if their customer service cant answer or send you the info you need, you can ask to get in touch with an attorney and they will send an email and you should get a phone call back within 24hrs. I supposed you could tell them you wanted to speak with an attorney anyways regardless though. Today when I called, unlike last time, I was almost immediately asked if I want to get in touch with an attorney in Missouri and on a whim I said yes. USLS sent an email and I had a call back in less than 10 min. The attorney I spoke with who was in Missouri was very nice and helpful. He even gave me his firm information and his cell number just in case I need it while visiting. Also, USLS sent me a link for downloading an info packet for carrying in Missouri within 5 min of the call. I was so impressed with this all. Hopefully it goes the same way if I ever do it again. Just thought I would share as info.
Dec 25, 2007
So, what did they tell you?
If you're posting here, I'm assuming you're a 'good guy'. MO is pretty much anything goes if you're a 'good guy'. If you're a 'bad guy' lots of Missourians will be more than willing to help you resolve your problems.
Welcome to the forum.
Aug 4, 2022
Shelby County
So, what did they tell you?
If you're posting here, I'm assuming you're a 'good guy'. MO is pretty much anything goes if you're a 'good guy'. If you're a 'bad guy' lots of Missourians will be more than willing to help you resolve your problems.
Welcome to the forum.
Basically told me all is good and I have nothing to worry about. I asked about carrying on my person and loaded while in a vehicle, going in businesses and private property since I am going to someone's house for my father in law to look at a van he is planning on buying. I was told that I could carry anywhere except for obvious exceptions like federal building etc.... and I also have the same rights as any MO concealed carry citizen. The restriction if due to age basically and some situations and open carry may not be allowed in some municipalities since MO allows local government to decide their own rules regarding open carry. Other than that, all is good for carrying concealed anywhere.. Funny note though, the attorney told me I could even carry where it is prohibited and posted and will only become a legal issue if asked to leave and I refuse.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2008
Sounds like you got great advice. I'm not a lawyer but that's how I understand things there. It's a border state to me and I have family there in law enforcement and attorneys.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
So, this attorney told you it was okay to break the law as long as you aren't caught? And if you are caught breaking the law you will be okay as long as you leave the area? I just hope you don't have to prove or disprove that advise. We'll the good news is you have his or her phone number.
Aug 4, 2022
Shelby County
So, this attorney told you it was okay to break the law as long as you aren't caught? And if you are caught breaking the law you will be okay as long as you leave the area? I just hope you don't have to prove or disprove that advise. We'll the good news is you have his or her phone number.
Assuming you don't know about Mens Rea, reasonably clear signage, etc.... Why would it be a crime to carry into a prohibited area if you were unaware and had no ill intent especially if asked to leave and you do so willingly. Look, I don't know the specifics but I did google search this aw firm and the guy who I spoke to and it was legit and I sure take his advise over blume357 from the internet who took a photo with a potato


Mar 23, 2006
Minnesota, USA
For the record, MN is the same. "Bans Guns on Premises" signs have no legal repercussions unless you refuse to leave when asked. If you do that, it's trespassing which is a misdemeanor offense.

Court house, schools, even post offices are different. Carry there and you have real problems.
Feb 24, 2022
originally, Indep., MO - now central Georgia
I am originally from the Kansas City, MO area and now live south of Atlanta, GA. We travel back and forth and out trip takes us thru southern Illinois. I would be vary careful traveling thru Illinois with guns. I know this route is quite a bit south of Chicago, but it's still not a gun friendly state. Check out their gun laws...maybe it's now OK. If you have already made the trip, how was it?
Dec 25, 2007
"the attorney told me I could even carry where it is prohibited and posted and will only become a legal issue if asked to leave and I refuse."
YES, this is correct. IF you're told to leave and fail to comply, it becomes a trespass charge---nothing to do with CCW.
MO has always been an open carry state with restrictions on some sensitive areas. Even though I can carry concealed in MO w/o a permit, I maintain my permit to cover myself when out of state.


Jan 11, 2009
In Indiana signs have no legal enforcement, the management can ask you to leave, refuse and it is trespassing, you can then be arrested. Starbucks hates it.


Jul 20, 2017
I'm from Illinois and traveled to St. Louis to a birthday party within forest park earlier this year. I did some checking first and wound up leaving my firearm in the hotel room. Apparently, there is a provision within Missouri law making it illegal to carry in sensitive places and another provision that allows municipalities to define those sensitive places. I read that St. Louis https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/st-louis-finishes-last-in-safest-us-cities-study/ chose to define all of forest park as a child care center for which i could have gotten busted. If I looked long enough, I could probably find the relevant portion of the state statute and City code; but....


Jul 20, 2017
PS: Six months ago, I would have told you not to be overly concerned about carrying a firearm without an Illinois permit in most of Southern illinois as long as you didn't do anything stupid. Then about a week ago, I became aware of someone from Tennessee (with TN ccw license) who got caught carrying at a school football game. Think he is still in jail. Don't know particulars...


Dec 21, 2002
Go here and find all you need to know for free and it's quick and accurate.


Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
I live in Arizona which just happens to be a constitutional state, no permit needed. However, I apply and renew my CCW pdermit when it comes due. THey always tell me I don't need a premit. I tell them I travel a lot out of state and the states I go to recognize the Arizona permit making me legal.
States I go to like Nevada to see my son don't AFAIK have constitutional carry, at least not yet thanks to Reno and Las Vegas, but they do recognize my permit. Utah where one of my daughters lives I think went constitutional carry but for Utah residents only. I still need my permit. I have kids living in New Mexico and no constitutional carry there AFAIK, and last there's Texas. They just went constitutional carry a while back, for residents only. So yes, it was worth the slight hassle when I renewed this last time but no problem as I can see my kids and not worry about the fact I'm carrying a loaded firearm on my person.
Paul B.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
So, in this internet discussion I'm being told if I'm caught carrying in Missouri in a school, court house or police station that I really don't need to worry and will only be asked to leave. That is what the O.P. is saying a lawyer told him.


Jan 4, 2014
So, in this internet discussion I'm being told if I'm caught carrying in Missouri in a school, court house or police station that I really don't need to worry and will only be asked to leave. That is what the O.P. is saying a lawyer to
So, in this internet discussion I'm being told if I'm caught carrying in Missouri in a school, court house or police station that I really don't need to worry and will only be asked to leave. That is what the O.P. is saying a lawyer told him.
REread post #3


Sep 11, 2007
Assuming you don't know about Mens Rea, reasonably clear signage, etc.... Why would it be a crime to carry into a prohibited area if you were unaware and had no ill intent especially if asked to leave and you do so willingly. Look, I don't know the specifics but I did google search this aw firm and the guy who I spoke to and it was legit and I sure take his advise over blume357 from the internet who took a photo with a potato
By PROHIBITED, I think it's interpreted as BY LAW, not prohibited by the business or other privately owned establishment. If they not specified in the law as a prohibited place, then their signage doesn't become a firearms violation. Then it would be a trespass violation if you don't comply when asked to leave.
But if told that you can carry in a PROHIBITED PLACE as long as you don't get caught, you have to know they don't mean a place specified place in the law.