With current ammo prices I thought I'd backtrack to my 10/22 which almost never gets shot. I put a mount and rings on it which I thought were correct, but my experience with rails is limited to picatinny on tacticool EBR's so I'm afraid I am may have not bought the correct sizes here.
Basically, I bought this mount and these rings (yes, I went cheap, this rifle is purely for range fun:
So here it is installed. The rings clearly don't fit on the main rail but instead the "lip" that is on top. It is on snuggly and seems to be solid, but the fact that there is so little material holding it onto the small part of the rail makes me a little disappointed. Is that mount designed to accept two types; weaver + 3/8 dovetail?
So my question is; what size rings should I have bought (weaver)? Seems like these are the correct rings that I should have bought to begin with: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NcStar-RB01-1-Low-Profile-Rifle-Gun-Weaver-Rings-Scope-Mounts-Black-Aluminum-/350830249689?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51af1cc6d9
Thanks for your help.
Basically, I bought this mount and these rings (yes, I went cheap, this rifle is purely for range fun:
So here it is installed. The rings clearly don't fit on the main rail but instead the "lip" that is on top. It is on snuggly and seems to be solid, but the fact that there is so little material holding it onto the small part of the rail makes me a little disappointed. Is that mount designed to accept two types; weaver + 3/8 dovetail?
So my question is; what size rings should I have bought (weaver)? Seems like these are the correct rings that I should have bought to begin with: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NcStar-RB01-1-Low-Profile-Rifle-Gun-Weaver-Rings-Scope-Mounts-Black-Aluminum-/350830249689?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51af1cc6d9
Thanks for your help.