SP101 9mm

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Feb 13, 2007
North Carolina
I've just acquired a SP101 9mm 3". Based on the serial number it was made in 1992. Sorry, I haven't had time to take any pictures, but will soon. What kind of box would it have come in? It did not come with any moon clips, so I have some on order. Anything special I should know about this revolver? I'm new to Ruger revolvers, although I have few :roll: of another brand. :wink:
geez, how come you guys (not really into rugers)always find these i i ahve an impossible time finding one (-:

ok really though it shoulda come in a yellow "cigar box" with the eagle on it when it was new. i cant remember off the top o my head if you can fire them without clips. it is a kinda rare revolver and ussually demands a premium price. its built on a .357 revolver so it should handle max loads with ease. so thats my limited knowledge and im sure some experts will be along shortly
Yep, black and yellow box but they had the stick on label on the end. A generic yellow ruger box will serve you as good as a paper bag for collector value. The last one I had I got $600 for but it had the box.
The 9MM Round headspaces off the case mouth, so it should chamber and fire fine W/O the clips. Ejecting the empties will be a different story....you may have to punch them out one at a time.

I'm saying "may" here because the one and only 9MM DA revolver I ever saw had a roundish wire thingy on the cylinder that "grabbed" the rebated rim of the cratridges and pulled them out when the ejector-rod got punched. But that was an older Speed-Six. I got no idea how the newer 101 works.

Sorry that I aint more help.

DGW1949":11ewkrek said:
I'm saying "may" here because the one and only 9MM DA revolver I ever saw had a roundish wire thingy on the cylinder that "grabbed" the rebated rim of the cratridges and pulled them out when the ejector-rod got punched. But that was an older Speed-Six. I got no idea how the newer 101 works.
In the early 1980's S&W built a 9 mm K-frame, the model 547, with a central ejector that didn't require moon clips. Here is a description of the gun and it's unique extractor:

Thanks for all the replies. The more I handle this little revolver, the more I like it. I'm thinking some Holly or Maple wood inserts would look excellent and add a nice contrast to this revolver.



I am excited about shooting this one and can't wait for my moon clips to arrive. This thing is built like a little tank. I disassembled it yesterday and cleaned it. I find it quite a bit more complex internally than a S&W, but not more difficult. I like the fact that the complete trigger assembly just snaps right out.
Yeah, I perty-much look at the 101 as being the penticle of small-frame DA revolver development. And if I had need of such a gun, I'd want the 3" version too.

I aint much on Maple but Holly is a different story. I like Holly a lot.
Some sort of dark Walnut would look good on there too....just my opinion.

I can tell you that you're not going to be too excited after you leave the range. The sp-101 in 9mm Luger isn't an accuracy weapon, it's a close quarters self defense weapon. A cylinder full in the boiler room at 20 feet is what you're after. Not the "X" ring at 25 yards.
Flash":6ot3m01r said:
I can tell you that you're not going to be too excited after you leave the range. The sp-101 in 9mm Luger isn't an accuracy weapon, it's a close quarters self defense weapon. A cylinder full in the boiler room at 20 feet is what you're after. Not the "X" ring at 25 yards.

Heck Flash....I am always after the "X-Ring".....but that don't mean that I always find it. :lol: .

I remember reading an article by Robert Shimek back when the 9mm was still in production. He wrote about how efficient the 9 was from a 3" revolver comparing favorably to a 4" semi-auto in velocity.

deac45":2osd8ws7 said:
I remember reading an article by Robert Shimek back when the 9mm was still in production. He wrote about how efficient the 9 was from a 3" revolver comparing favorably to a 4" semi-auto in velocity.


But certainly not in accuracy. Mine would hit the backstop at 25 yards....................almost everytime. :lol:
Flash":2cdc9ita said:
I can tell you that you're not going to be too excited after you leave the range. The sp-101 in 9mm Luger isn't an accuracy weapon, it's a close quarters self defense weapon. A cylinder full in the boiler room at 20 feet is what you're after. Not the "X" ring at 25 yards.

I have to disagree here. I own a sp101 in 9mm (albeit the shorter barrel version in 2.25 in) and am very pleased with its accuracy.
Did Ruger put a true .355" barrel on these revolvers or did they rip off the customer with a .357" barrel? If your revolver is hopelessly inaccurate, this could be a big part of the problem. Of course cylinder throat dimensions will play a big part too.

And will it fire loose rounds? Moonclips should be needed only for extraction, but I don't know how Ruger designed these things or how much effort they put into them.

Dave Sinko
You can use "9mm federal" rounds if you can find them. They have a rim on them so you don't have to use moon clips. They were made for 9mm revolvers. Tuff to find but they show up from time to time. I have a 9mm Speed Six and love it. I believe they did put true .355 barrels on the Speed Six an SP 101.
I have a 3-inch SP101 9mm that is very accurate for its size. I am getting bench-rested groups between 2-3 inches at 25 yards. This particular SP101 has a strong preference for the 115 JHP. It does not like anything FMJ or 124 grain. I have not tried 147's yet but intend to some day.

I don't think the sights are regulated for 9mm. I would guess that they are the same sights as those on the 38/357 versions, which are regulated for 158 grain bullets. The 115 JHP printed 8 inches low at 25 yards. I carefully filed down the front sight so that 115 JHP would print to point of aim. Windage was also off by about 4 inches (to the right) so I rotated the barrel a little to fix this.

I don't know if the bore is .355 or .357 but the accuracy is good, so it really doesn't matter to me.
I have SP 101 in 9mm with 2,25" barrell. It is the only gun I will never ever get rid of. Cheap ammuniton, reasonable recoil, ideal for self defence, enough accuracy.

I fired it without the clips as I use them only for carry and only sometimes training. It is difficult to find them in the market. I was lucky and bought last pack in local shop and also receive by post as a gift from one nice guy. When not using the clips it is no problem at all to get empty cartridges out , you need to take one after another but it goes really smoothly. A friend of mine has Taurus in 9mm and he must use s screwdriver to get them out !!! Well, Ruger is a Ruger 8)

Enjoy this beatiful gun.