Single Six barrels

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Jan 29, 2006
Came back from the range with several of my 22lr's so I'm happy with 9 out of 10.
I'm thinking that converting a 10/22 or similar barrel should at the very least cut the group sizes by a third with almost any ammo. More than likely it would cut them by half.
Flatgate gave you the best cheapest solution. next, send it to ruger and have them re-barrel it $80, Have your local GS cut a 10-22 barrel and re-thread?$ I'm guessing real expensive for that. Call Bowen and see if he has a takeoff from one of his many conversions he might sell you..Look at Numrich see if they have any single six barrels.. That is about all I can think of now.. oh, sell it and forget about it , you have nine others..
Sounds like you want one for shooting long rifles only, and the current barrels are made for mags, and that's where you get the larger bore size. Sending it back to Ruger wouldn't work as they'd put on the same dimension barrel and you'd be in the same boat. If I were you, I'd buy one of the early non convertible single sixes, which would have the right barrel, and sell the newer one to help pay for it. Then, if you wanted the 4 5/8's barrel, have it shortened, which wouldn't be too expensive, especially compared to cutting down a 10-22 barrel like you're proposing. Just a thought.

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