Scope for 375 H&H No 1

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375 H&H Scope Recommendation

  • 1.5 x 5

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  • 2 x 7

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  • 3 x 9

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  • 3.5 x 10

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  • 4 x 12

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  • 4x

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  • 6x

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Dec 30, 2005
Southeast Washington
Well, I got the 375 H&H No 1 - Stainless with the Laminated stock (see my Nov 15th post).

Now comes the scope choice (due to my age, the open sights appear to be a bit challenging)

For those of you with large bore rifles - say 375 and up, what scope power do you have?

I am thinking a straight 4x as I am used to fixed powers. But since I have not hunted with a 375, I am open to those with experience.

Thanks again.
If your a fixed power fan ... a straight 4x is magnificent on large game. Otherwise a variable like a 2-7x as the 375H&H has 'legs' if you decide to use it as such.
I agree, a fixed power is more reliable and less complicated. I have a fixed 6x on my 350RM, but all my other big bores have good iron sights.
I, too am getting ready to scope a new #1. Mine is a 6.5X55 Swede. I too like the fixed power scopes. The problem is: with the number one rifle, the scope has to mount so far forward that you need a scope with a long tube or longer that normal (and normally available) eye relief. I could not find any currently available fixed 4x scopes that fit that description. I want excellent quality glass so I am not really willing to settle for a vintage (when they used to make the scope tubes longer) 4x. Soo,,, I have chosen the Leupold 1.5x5X VX-3 riflescope. It can be set back in the rings to where the 3.7" to 4.3" eye relief will be usable, it is the lightest variable available (9.5 OZ., the #1's are already heavy enough) and the optical quality is excellent, it was excellent on that scope 15 years ago and Leupold has made many upgrades to it since then. Lastly, it falls in the middle price range, as far as quality riflescopes are conscerned. Good luck with whatever you choose.
I voted 2x7. But the VX-III 2.5x8 is my favorite all around scope and has spent time on my 375.

I love a straight four or even a three when I can find them.

You did not say what you were using if for. I would drop down to a 1x4 or 1.5x5 if it was something that bites back.

Leupold makes a 2.5 and a 4 power scout scope which works very well and eliminates any issues with extended eye relief that is sometimes a inherent problem with Number ones. I have one on my 45-70 after trying different scopes and having problems with eye relief even using the ruger extended scope rings. sa .
My Number1 in .375 H&H wears a Leupold 2-7x33. Long enough eye relief and yes, the cartridge has "legs"
Largely it is dependent on what and where you will be hunting. That having been said, It is hard to beat a low power variable as it will cover most applications. I have a 1 X 4 Nikon African on one of Number One rifles in 375 H&H and I love it. It is a true 1X scope, thus you can shoot on low power with both eyes open at all times with no confusion of mixed images. This is ideal for stalking close cover and/or dangerous game. It gives an instant sight picture, and has the desirable German #4 reticle. If you need more range, just dial it up to 4X and you can reach out into the open spaces. Works very well for me.
MMichaelAK":32192y8c said:
My Number1 in .375 H&H wears a Leupold 2-7x33. Long enough eye relief and yes, the cartridge has "legs"

Same here for me. If it's the Rifleman line I figure a Leupold for under $200.00 is a good deal. Also put them on my 458 and 416, and on a very light CZ 550 carbine in 9.3 Mauser. Lots of eye relief is good.
dfletcher":tc6wkyge said:
MMichaelAK":tc6wkyge said:
My Number1 in .375 H&H wears a Leupold 2-7x33. Long enough eye relief and yes, the cartridge has "legs"

Same here for me. If it's the Rifleman line I figure a Leupold for under $200.00 is a good deal. Also put them on my 458 and 416, and on a very light CZ 550 carbine in 9.3 Mauser. Lots of eye relief is good.

No, mine's a VX-1. They are running $219.00 around here and I'm finding I like them a little more than tha older Vari-x II becuase the glass is a little better adn the 1/4" click adjustment is finer than the friction 1/2" adjustments on the older scopes. Still like my Vari-x IIs and IIIs though so won't be getting rid of them any time soon.
Add one for the 1.5 to 5 VX-3.

I have a 1.1 - 4 x24mm (with a 30mm main tube) Kahles that absolutley love !!! HUGE FOV. Not made any longer.