Sanded frame on a SR40

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SR Fan

Jul 21, 2013
I'm new and wanted to ask about the sanded frame under the trigger guard on my SR40 and i thought it was because i bought it used but have seen others on Youtube complain about the same thing.So,has anyone else on here heard, why they sanded it and i didn't notice it until after i bought it.I think it makes the gun look like a factory second to me and is sold as new and with no blemishes.
I've had my SR9c a few years now and after thousands of rounds I haven't had a single malfunction. After reading posts about this blemish I found that mine has this in exactly the same place. It seems like most have this sand mark and to what degree probably depends on the person at the factory that removed the mold mark. It doesn't bother me at all especially since it seems common to the manufacturing process. I believe I've read posts on how to smooth this out if it really bothers you. To me it's purely cosmetic and not in a very obvious place.
Wow went back and checked my SR9 and that's also sanded and then checked my SR45 and its smooth and doesn't look like its been sanded.
There have been many comments on this issue so maybe Ruger is paying more attention to the finish on their new guns or they changed some aspect of their manufacturing process.
Checked all of mine including P345, and none had any sanding marks that i could see or they were so minor i didn't notice them.
Checked my SR9c and the finish seems to be somewhat more matt under the trigger guard than elsewhere. That said, I don't see why anyone makes any issue of this. It has absolutely no functional effect.
With some of the comments i've seen on here i guess some people that own the SR series don't really care about the finish of their Rugers.I personally think it makes the gun look like a factory second.Does it affect the operation of the gun?no but they have been making these guns for awhile and you would think by now they would have this thing figured out.The finish looks good and then you come up and see what looks like someone took a sander to it and doesn't bother anyone but me.?
Rugers finish leaves A LOT to be desired when talking semi autos. Don't own an Sr and don't care too, but the nature of Rugers polymer is not the same as others. It is more of a resin glass mix. It scratches easy but unlike the true plastics it can be easily sanders and polished.

Ruger is a good service weapon but it ain't no show piece.....unless you are talking Sr 1911. That is the way Ruger should make every pistol.

My point was look the gun over and if the finish isn't up to par ... Grab the next one until you find one that is.
The sheer number of people that are surprised to find, and are upset surprises me. If this cosmetic issue is that important don't they inspect the gun before buying it? Even if it were ordered sight unseen the most basic Internet search on the finish of an SR would have brought up many threads on this issue.
I would of never searched "finish on the SR series".I'm a Sr fan i own one of ever caliber in the series the the SR 40 was the last one and the sanded part was so noticeable after i bought it that i just thought it was the previous owner and I had already paid for it so theres not alot i could do. The next complaint is light primer strikes i'm sure if i search that i will find a problem too.
I just wanted to show you guys how noticeable the sanding is just look at the one on the lower left and compared to the others. :shock:
What in the world do you mean, "sanded"? Slides are finished, frames are molded/cast.

I have a SR9C and I don't know what someone might be complaining about. Want to spend $3000, get a Nighthawk custom 1911. I spent $440 OTD for mine and it's been wonderful, not a glitch at anytime in almost a year. Smooth and accurate, a pleasure to own and shoot. Got it for my non-shooting wife's CCW license and it makes her enjoy the range.

Yes, mine has a mold parting line along the underside of the frame/receiver. If that's the issue, it's REALLY petty. Don
I didn't say anything about the slides.? the Under side of the trigger guard.I'm talking about a slight mold parting look under the frame in the pic even in this crappy pic its noticeable and i don't give crap that its a 440.00 or 3000.00 gun its shouldn't look like that from the factory.
SR Fan said:
I didn't say anything about the slides.? the Under side of the trigger guard.I'm talking about a slight mold parting look under the frame in the pic even in this crappy pic its noticeable and i don't give crap that its a 440.00 or 3000.00 gun its shouldn't look like that from the factory.

If you read my post, I did refer to the mold parting line and in the case of my gun it is trivial and part of the production process. It affects nothing at all and how often does one turn the gun upside down to view it?

Seems so often that people expect intensive attention by skilled craftsmen in the final assembly process yet want that at a low cost. Can't have it both ways. Sorry you are annoyed by it. Don
So, Ruger is no better than My keltec when it comes down to fit and finish. :( ..
I hadn't noticed the cosmetic "flaws" until they were pointed out on the Ruger forms. What I have noticed is that all three of my Rugers have been 100% reliable and I have shot them a lot. Maybe the fit and finish of a Ruger is no better than Keltec's but reliability is what's important to me. My experience with a Keltec is it's a one shot rock.
SR Fan said:
So, Ruger is no better than My keltec when it comes down to fit and finish. :( ..

I've never seen a Ruger as rough as a Kel Tec. I guess I must be a fortunate guy, I've owned about 45 guns (don't have but a small fraction of that now) over the years and never had one that I thought showed shoddy finishing. Of course at the price points, many were not anything like a custom firearm and I didn't expect them to be. Don

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