Ruger Security Six

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Apr 23, 2007
Pick this one up recently. Can anyone chime in and tell me about the grips ? They certainly don't look "factory" to me but, perhaps I'm wrong. No matter, they're staying. I really like these grips and would like to pick up another set or two.

Agreed, they do not look factory. I can't see clearly enough, is there any crest on the upper grip medallion?
Nice revolver ...LPS has a 6 inch Security Six thats about ready to come name is on it...
I have seen the large 'target', smooth, grips on some special comm. editions although none that dark. The smooth grips are far less common.
I'd like to see a photo of the other side of the revolver. I've just noticed, recently, some special versions with unique markings on the right side.
Terry T
looks like the grips that Sile used to come up with and sold to Ruger back then, seen a VERY FEW over the years, most have been checkered versions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yours show the proper medallions and hardware ( screw& escutcheons)
I have a smooth set of wood grips on my 6" 357, but it's a special edition and came that way from Ruger. A little different than yours. I like how those grips are not as wide at the bottom. They look very comfortable.

You scored on a nice Six there. Congrats.
Thanks fellas. I really love these much that I'd like to find another set or two.

I found this beauty at the LGS for an asking price of $399.
Ruger did put grips of that shape on some special edition models but they weren't that dark and they did have the Ruger emblem. I have two sets of the Ruger ones that I got somehow. I do know that they put them on a FBI commemerative model for the 50th anniversary of the FBI Academy. But again, the were the standard light wood models.

The medallion is in the right place (but I can't really tell what it is) and the screw and escutcheon look like Ruger factory.

$399 for that model is a VERY VERY GOOD price. It's one of the later models by the style of the red ramp front sight.
Makes the grip angle similar to a Bisley Grip...I really like the slight palm swell