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Jan 9, 2007
Lincoln, Ca. U.S.A.
Has anyone had any experience with this product? If so will these fit the reissue flattop .357? ... RIGGER_KIT


Thanks in advance,


The one pictured is the Bisley style. I have one that does fit the new re-issue flat tops, but it was made specifically for them. (Also fits New Vaqueros). The one in the catalog link that you shared fits "standard" full size Blackhawks/Vaqueros. If you are asking about the Bisley style it won't fit.

I have not purchased any from Brownell's. I know Power makes them to fit the newer medium frame guns, just not sure if they are in the Brownell's catalog or not.

As for experience with them, I have several of the Power half cock hammer and trigger kits. I really like them a lot. The biggest advantage in my opinion is the trigger pull. It feels as good as any custom job I ever had done. The quality of the parts is second to none also.

Hope this helps.
I've not shot one myself but every report I've tracked has been positive.

If you look at it cashwise, the "full kit" (hammer and matched trigger) is pricey, but you're getting the equivelent of a good gunsmith's action job (typically $125?) that you bolt in yourself without shipping the gun back and forth. The savings on shipping alone is substantial and you don't have to be without the gun 'cept for the hour or two you'll spend tinkering.

I'd do this kit long before I shipped a gun off for an action job. Only problem is, no SBH-pattern hammers...and I do like SBH hammers.

WARNING: if you're going to do this, do yourself (and your gun's screws) a favor and get proper hollow-ground gunsmith-grade screwdrivers and/or screwdriver bits. Brownells' has a complete Ruger-SA screwdriver bit set for about $25 if I recall right - highly recommended if you don't have them already.
I called Power Custom this morning and got the "straight scoop" from Randall.

The Bisley style hammer will fit the medium frame guns, if you get a Vaquero trigger. The part number from Brownell's is:

713 000 045 Bisley hammer and standard trigger (Blued) in stock

713 000 045 same in stainless, out of stock.

He also said that all of their regular hammer and trigger kits will fit the medium frame guns as well.