price check on components.

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Jun 4, 2008
Since I'm just getting into reloading and I know ammo and things are at a high price I was wondering if folks could tell me if these where decent prices or too high. They dont have then in stock but I can order and have them in about 3 weeks which is fine for me. Gives me time to read more.

CCI 500 primers= $30/1000
CCI 550 primers=$30/1000
Winchester lrg rifle= $30/1000
Unique powder= $ $19/ 1 pound
2400 powder= $20 / 1 pound
IMR 4064= $24/ 1 pound
I would have to order it so it would be slapped with a $20 hazmat fee because its not through a local dealer.
If those prices are after the hazmat fees,,, then they are descent for current pricing.
I just bought a case of primers for $130,,, (mixed types,) a 5 lb keg of Trailboss for $95, and several 1 lb cans for $18-$20 each. That was after taxes and no hazmat.

Those prices are pretty much "pre-panic" level around here! Right now, there are considerations that go beyond price, the most important to me being "Do you have it in stock?" or "Can you GET it for me?"

There have been times recently when I've had to bite the bullet as it were, such as paying a hair over $30 for a pound of H-4895 from the only guy in three counties I could find who had it. My alternative choice was to wait until someone else had it, which could be months! Someone else posted having to pay something like $65/m for primers cuz they were faced w/ the same alternatives.

Haz-mat fees aggravate me, but "proper" planning for me means making orders of a good enough size to amortize all the costs out over the entire cost of the order. For example, let's look at one powder I use and my three usual sources for it:

Online price: $20/lb plus $22.50 haz-mat

Gunshow price: $22/lb plus $14 admission plus $16 gas

Gunshop price: $27/lb plus unknown gas charges depending on how far I have to go (figure a minimum of $5)

So I were to buy only one pound of powder...

Online, it's gonna cost $44.50

Gunshow, it's gonna cost $52.00

Gunshop, it's gonna cost a minimum of $33.00

Gunshop wins!

But, if we get out the calculator and work out an order for the three pounds it looks like you're gonna need just to get started... well, you see where I'm going!

I'd buy components at the price you mentioned and pay the haz-mat willingly, as long as they HAVE the stuff in stock AND cover the whole order under one haz-mat fee (some vendors will, others will ship primers and powder separately, w/ extra haz-mat fees.)

Ya always gotta do your homework... it's just a bit more complicated right now! :D

Rick C
Thanks. I've looked around and this seems to be the best deal I can find. While they do not have it in stock its ETA is 2-3 weeks. The hazmat fee will cover all of it even if they are forced to ship seperately. The main reason for the price check is I didnt know how it compared to the prepanic state that hit. I have enough ammo to hold me over. It seems that these components will at least get me started. I should have a decent amount of brass as I shoot some of my factory ammo. I got a deal on some last fall for my handgun that I couldnt pass up.
Those prices seem average for ordering online. I always check Midway when comparing prices, it's easy and fast. If you can find primers anywhere you're doing good. :roll: I always order a good quantity of powder and primers at one time to make the hazmat fee more palatable. :D

Cabela's has magtech small pistol primers in stock and less than a week backorder on federal. At least this was true this morning I was lucky enough to get my order in. :D
For a direct comparison -> I bought 1 pound of 2400 for $24.95 at a local gunshop this weekend... After taxes right around $27.00.
BluedMoon":2vf1iplh said:
For a direct comparison -> I bought 1 pound of 2400 for $24.95 at a local gunshop this weekend... After taxes right around $27.00.

this is more in line with what i'm paying in my neck of the woods.

1k primers go for ~$35, when i can find them.

and I also don't get to see much of a discount when i buy 4 or 8 lb kegs.

My latest 8 lb keg of h-110 went for ~$160, I can find that on line, order that one keg and pay the $20/$25 hazmat fee and still come out less than 160. They just didn't have it in stock when i "absolutely had to have it". I paid 80 bucks for a 4 lb container of Unique.

Once this "shortage" passes, i'm going to remember these things.

Kyhunt":3uyfajk6 said:
Since I'm just getting into reloading and I know ammo and things are at a high price I was wondering if folks could tell me if these where decent prices or too high. They dont have then in stock but I can order and have them in about 3 weeks which is fine for me. Gives me time to read more.

CCI 500 primers= $30/1000
CCI 550 primers=$30/1000
Winchester lrg rifle= $30/1000
Unique powder= $ $19/ 1 pound
2400 powder= $20 / 1 pound
IMR 4064= $24/ 1 pound

At this time I feel fairly lucky, at my local independent gun shop, not only did they have CCI small and large pistol primers, now they are not even behind the counter and on the shelf, not too sure of the quanity.
Prices are very similar to those you quote, perhaps a couple of dollars higher, however, the trade off is you have to pay Hazmat and I must pay sales tax, this is about a wash. Now, If I could only find some 41Mag brass and a bullet mold for same, I would really be in high cotton. Well, gun show this weekend and hopefully TnT reloading will be there and if I am lucky, oh well, is that too much to ask for?

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