Pot Liquor

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May 9, 2014
Peas, beans and all matter of greens. My grandmother would put these up in mason jars every year. As a little fella I got a whoopin for going into her pantry and opening the greens to drink the juice!
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
You know the easiest way to make moonshine is to not use a mash but just distill a case or two of beer....

And if you really want to get fancy use Heineken.... then what you end up with is "Heinie Liquor".


Jul 26, 2016
Phenix City Alabama
I am not african-american. I don't really know anything about soul food. I have been putting collards, turnips or mustard greens over split open corn bread & letting the juice run in & eating it my whole life.
Growing up Dad worked as a mechanic. He worked on commission. If you could beat the book you could make great money but if nothing came in you didn't make squat. There were times we ate really well. There were times we lived on pinto beans & cornbread & were grateful to have them. Later on he took a Service Manager job. He didn't make more money than the mechanics but he was salaried. It was steady money.
I still like all of it. If it weren't for beans & cornbread poor people in the South would have died out hundreds of years ago.
As a kid I remember pot likker but always served with corn dodgers (a thinner round or oval form of corn bread)
Also remember pinto beans. My mom and step dad (army) were drinkers. When he got paid the first of the month we ate great for a week then the pinto beans and light (white) bread. This scenario repeated itself month after month. My sister became friends with a lady that owned a bakery behind us and she would give us whatever was not fresh enough for sale. Our only respite from the pinto beans. Thanks for the memory trip. And no I haven't eaten a pinto bean since I was old enough to be in control of my life.

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