Photo bucket or something else?

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May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
I uploaded a picture and the page I was presented with, which never fully loaded, had SEVEN ads.

The site has always been painfully slow.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
CraigC said:
I uploaded a picture and the page I was presented with, which never fully loaded, had SEVEN ads.

The site has always been painfully slow.


It's a free program, how many times do you need to hear it?


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
WAYNO said:
CraigC said:
Or use a different photo host. Problem solved.


I happen to like photoshop. I needed to post one pic on a tractor site today so I needed to put it on Photoshop. It was a photo I took quite a while ago so I had to do some searching to find it.

Well, I finally found it and when I did I simply clicked the middle downsize button on the window that made it smaller. Then I opened photoshop and downsized that window. I just clicked on the photo and dragged it into the photoshop window and it instantly uploaded to photoshop. I'm getting to like that method. I read somewhere a long time ago that you could do that but never tried it until a few weeks ago.

Easy Peezy lemon squeezy :mrgreen:


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
CraigC said:
Or use a different photo host. Problem solved.

AdBlocker Plus is a good program to have on your computer regardless of what photo host you use.

You complain about something and people give you answers to fix it and you don't like it. Then stop your complaining. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
caryc said:
WAYNO said:
CraigC said:
Or use a different photo host. Problem solved.


I happen to like photoshop. I needed to post one pic on a tractor site today so I needed to put it on Photoshop. It was a photo I took quite a while ago so I had to do some searching to find it.

Well, I finally found it and when I did I simply clicked the middle downsize button on the window that made it smaller. Then I opened photoshop and downsized that window. I just clicked on the photo and dragged it into the photoshop window and it instantly uploaded to photoshop. I'm getting to like that method. I read somewhere a long time ago that you could do that but never tried it until a few weeks ago.

Easy Peezy lemon squeezy :mrgreen:

And for the record...I like PhotoBucket, when it works.

There's a couple of you on here that profess to have never had an issue of any kind with PhotoBucket. And I'm glad. I wish I could always duplicate the same success. When it works, it works great, and it's easy to use. Then there's times it will lock up my computer tighter than a drum. I've seen times where some of us cannot make it work at all, while simultaneously it's working perfectly for others. I've seen it for myself when it will not work on my desktop, when at the same time it will work on my lap top.

I don't know what makes the computer world spin. Seems PhotoBucket is more tolerant of some ISP's or operating systems than others. As you suggested, adblocker-plus has helped you. I don't want to have to load up on apps just to make a site such as PhotoBucket work when it is not friendly with all operating systems. When PhotoBucket is fighting me, it's easier to temporarily switch to my backup photo host, PostImage. It works faster and easier than PhotoBucket ever has, but it has no photo-editing capabilities.

So I will continue to struggle with PhotoBucket when I can, because it suits my needs. But when it's being difficult, which is often, I do have a plan-B.

I'll also say that their customer service is not the best. A while back, I was able to prove to PhotoBucket that one of my episodes was from their end. Easy enough to fix, but when it took two or more days for each response from them, it became frustrating. After over a week, they finally discovered their problem, and with a keystroke it was fixed. That's when I found PostImage as an easier to use replacement.



May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
Cary, I don't know why you're being obstinate about this. I'm not complaining, I don't use it because I don't like it. I decided to use something other than PhotoBucket 15 friggin' years ago. The ads were but one small part of the reasoning behind it. When I try to navigate someone else's account now, it's painfully slow because it has so much crap to load. Not just the picture and the ads but all that infernal scripting. It's terrible. I honestly don't know why people bother with it, I guess because they'll put up with anything if it's free.


Dec 19, 2016
caryc said:
CraigC said:
I uploaded a picture and the page I was presented with, which never fully loaded, had SEVEN ads.

The site has always been painfully slow.


It's a free program, how many times do you need to hear it? ads



Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
CraigC said:
Cary, I don't know why you're being obstinate about this. I'm not complaining, I don't use it because I don't like it. I decided to use something other than PhotoBucket 15 friggin' years ago. The ads were but one small part of the reasoning behind it. When I try to navigate someone else's account now, it's painfully slow because it has so much crap to load. Not just the picture and the ads but all that infernal scripting. It's terrible. I honestly don't know why people bother with it, I guess because they'll put up with anything if it's free.

I bother with it because it works perfectly for me. :mrgreen:
Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
CraigC said:
I honestly don't know why people bother with it, I guess because they'll put up with anything if it's free.
You seem to be missing the point. When using Firefox AND Adblocker Plus neither of us, Cary or I, have ever had a problem. It is a SUGGESTION, for a tool to use, to all those that seem to be having problems. When offered a solution to a problem you have a couple of options. One is to use the tool and see if it helps; the other is to totally ignore the help being offered. However, if the help is refused then don't complain of the results you get.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
CraigC said:
I honestly don't know why people bother with it, I guess because they'll put up with anything if it's free.

Just what exactly is it that I'm "putting up with"? Putting up with a program that works? Putting up with a program that's free? Putting up with a lack of pop up ads?


May 27, 2002
West Tennessee
Fox Mike said:
It is a all those that seem to be having problems. When offered a solution to a problem you have a couple of options.
And that is exactly what I did as well. You choose to try to fix 'part' of the problem with 3rd party software. I choose to avoid it altogether and I avoid extraneous 3rd part software whenever possible because I make my living with this machine. Your solution works for you, mine works for me. Don't get your panties in a wad because I don't love your free photo host. I've tried yours and have experienced it countless times. Have you ever tried mine? Probably not. So how do you know my solution is not better?

As I said, the ads are only a small part of it. I farted around with it for a couple hours yesterday and all it did was remind me of why I don't use it. I also don't like that you have to choose a single universal photo size when you upload pics. I don't have that limitation. I usually resize all my SLR pics with PhotoShop but I can also upload them directly from my iPhone and retain all its resolution, then choose whatever size I want to use when I post it. PhotoBucket has always run slow for me because of all the frames and scripts that load, whereas my photo host is faster than my own websites.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
CraigC said:
Fox Mike said:
It is a all those that seem to be having problems. When offered a solution to a problem you have a couple of options.
And that is exactly what I did as well. You choose to try to fix 'part' of the problem with 3rd party software. I choose to avoid it altogether and I avoid extraneous 3rd part software whenever possible because I make my living with this machine. Your solution works for you, mine works for me. Don't get your panties in a wad because I don't love your free photo host. I've tried yours and have experienced it countless times. Have you ever tried mine? Probably not. So how do you know my solution is not better?

As I said, the ads are only a small part of it. I farted around with it for a couple hours yesterday and all it did was remind me of why I don't use it. I also don't like that you have to choose a single universal photo size when you upload pics. I don't have that limitation. I usually resize all my SLR pics with PhotoShop but I can also upload them directly from my iPhone and retain all its resolution, then choose whatever size I want to use when I post it. PhotoBucket has always run slow for me because of all the frames and scripts that load, whereas my photo host is faster than my own websites.

Never tried your photo program because I had no need to. Photobucket works and does everything I want. AdBlocker Plus, is not a program that was designed for Photobucket. It works where ever you go on the net and is never a problem.

Maybe it's your computer or your ISP that has something not compatible with Photobucket and making it run poorly on your end. Sorry, but that's my opinion. Otherwise can you answer why Photobucket works for me and not you?

While I was making grips, I was making my entire living off my computer also, so you are not unique in that respect.

If you don't want answers, don't complain or ask questions. :roll: You'll only get answers or opinions you don't like.

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