P95 single action trigger compaired to Glock trigger pull?

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buster cat

Nov 22, 2006
Know lots of folks on forum have both Glock and the Ruger P95. How does the Ruger single action trigger compared to the Glock safe action pull? The Glock pull is around 5.5lbs. The Ruger single action is approx. 6lbs.

I have the Ruger with stock hammer spring, and the gun has around four to five thousand rounds through it. The single action pull is good, no problems with it. [Don't ask about double action.] Don't know any thing about a Glock. Any comments would be appreciated.

Buster Cat..........
First off glocks don't have all the take up in the trigger like rugers do in single action. The reset on glocks are short too. Glock triggers seem kind of mushy to me. That said I sold my glock 17 and bought a p95. Mark
i had a glock 22 and I didn't care for trigger. I could not stage the trigger. I had to just pull it. It's like there's the take up, then a crunch. :)
I shot a glock 33 today.......looked nice, hated shooting it that said you should think about trying to catch a disease i read about in another post called "rugeritis"