P89 vs SR9

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Sep 11, 2009
I did a search and nothing came up, but I'm stuck between these 2 guns
I love the feeling of the P89 with a hogue grip (my grandpa has one )
but i also like the way the SR9 feels

This is going to be my first gun purchases, and im definitely not an expert

if you guys had a choice what would you go with if you had to pick one or the other?

ive been noticing that the SR9's have been having some issues, but i haven't seen one person complain about a p89 besides its 2 heavy( which i think is being picky).

am i correct on the p89 being more reliable than a SR9?

thanks in advance
- 2fast4u
I would say the P89 is more proven than the SR9.

Since they no longer produce the P89 if you have a hankering for one that is what I would get first.

Then down the line you can always pick up the SR9 and have both to enjoy.


I do agree with tkarter that the P89 is more proven, but also seems to be more "consistently" reliable between different guns if you know what I mean. To be honest though, it really depends on what you want this pistol for. CC? OC? Range? Home/truck defense? If CC, whats your body size? The reason I ask is that the SR9 is imho much easier to conceal than the P89.
Between the P89 and the SR9, I would strongly recommend the P89. If you have a hankering for the SR9, I would alternatively recommend the Glock G17 or Smith & Wesson M&P.

Best, Jon
Rather than either of those two, if you insist on a Ruger, get a P95 ... no skeletons in the closet like the SR9 and more accurate than the P89. The P95 is the best 9 in Ruger's lineup. You can find them for about $300 brand new.

Rev I have a P89 that is dead nuts on accurate. So is my P95.
What you perceive to be the difference may be in the triggers between the two.

I hear the SR9 is accurate too. I haven't shot one of those yet.

tkarter":1tahubpa said:
Rev I have a P89 that is dead nuts on accurate. So is my P95.
What you perceive to be the difference may be in the triggers between the two.

I hear the SR9 is accurate too. I haven't shot one of those yet.


In my experience, the SR9 is more accurate than the P89, but the trigger is so bad that it's not worth considering. The P89, while maybe 'combat accurate' can't compete with ANY of my other autos (Glock, Sig, CZ, Colt, or SA) for accuracy, and certainly can't compete with ANY of my revolvers. Also, in my experience, the trigger on the P89 is far and away better than the trigger on the SR9, that's not even close, but the P89 'itself' is simply not capable of the accuracy that I expect. If someone had ONLY the P89 to shoot, it would probably be acceptable to them (not saying YOU fall into this category :D )


Revhigh, my experiences, spanning a P85, a Davidson P89 Special Edition (two-tone with Hogue grip) and my current very-late production P89 are somewhat different thasn yours. All of my P-series P85/P89 guns easily achieved 3" 25 yard accuracy; my current P89 shoots with 1"- 1.5" accuracy. I also have multiple examples of Glocks, SIG-Sauers, etc, and shoot competitively (primarily in IDPA , GSSF, and steel plate competitions). While the outstanding accuracy of my current P89 is probably a serendipitous abberation (which I'm happy to take advantage of), I was quite satisfied with the accuracy of my previous P-Series centerfire guns.

While I consider the P85/P89 guns to be overengineered for the 9mm cartridge, I consider the SR9 to be relatively unproven in the field, with some notable hiccups to date since its arrival on the marketplace. I do not consider it to have a street price advantage compared to the very well fielded Glock G17; while the ergonomics of the SR9 in certain areas might be considered superior to those of the Glock, I would much rather personally adapt to a proven successful tool than have a perfectly fitting but operationally unproven one.

Your concern with the SR9 trigger is well stated, especially compared to both the other Ruger P-Series guns discussed, and the other available competitor's triggers.

There actually have been, and continue to be some issues with the P95 guns, and I don't consider a P95 to have any more inherent accuracy than other 9mm P-Series guns (particularly the late P89s, the P93 and the P94).

Given the alternatives presented to us by the original poster, I think that he would be well served by a late-model P89.

Best, Jon
Fair enough Jon, I'm glad your P89 shoots well and you're happy with it, however, the marketplace and test results from many gun tests do not jive with your results. I've never seen a gun test that called any of the P-series guns anything more than 'combat accurate', which certainly is not 1-1.5 inch 25 yard accuracy. That is pretty much high-end accuracy, and to be honest with you, I think there may be some exaggeration occurring with your estimates, no disrespect intended. I wish you were closer to me, so that I could experience your gun.

A while ago, I challenged Ruger forum members to 'REVHIGH's one inch challenge (see link below) some good reading in there LOL.

http://www.rugerforum.com/phpBB/viewtop ... t=revhighs

To date, I have recieved exactly ZERO takers .... NONE, despite the many posters who proclaimed themselves one inch marksmen. Why do you think that is ?? People have no idea what a one inch group is, or how damn near impossible it is to do at 25 yards (or 15 for that matter).... for ANY gun ... at any COST, let alone a Ruger, which is hardly known in ANY circle for being a very accurate semiauto (excepting the MKII, III, and P90 of course).

I absolutely agree with all your other very well stated points, but I think your P89 claims may be just a little 'optimistic'.

Take it easy, and I'm real glad your P89 suits your needs. I really liked mine from a reliability, and aesthetics point of view, but it was a piece of junk for accuracy, my P91 much, much worse ... like 8-10 inch groups at FIFTEEN yards.


Sounds like your P91 was much more accurate than my brothers Beretta 92FS. Heck it is about as good a grouping as I have gotten out of any of the M9's I have shot to qual with.

I have a P94 that I tinker with at the range. I do not shoot it all that much at paper. I can say though that I can shoot a 6" diameter steel plate once out of every 3-5 times at 100 yards sitting with my handgun supported with my knee's.

I have a HAMMR rest. I am tempted to get some inserts for it for the Ruger P-series so I can see just what the full accuracy potential is for that firearm.

I bought the HAMMR setup to making sighting in my SRH 480 Ruger, Ruger MKII, Blackhawk and S&W Model 19 easier. Also to test the accuracy of different hand loads removing as much shooters error as possible. I guess it would not kill me to try to find some P-Series plates for it.

Leucoandro":21kf5kar said:

Sounds like your P91 was much more accurate than my brothers Beretta 92FS.

I, like you, Charlie, have NEVER been impressed in the least with the Beretta 92 platform. I've never seen or shot one that I'd be interested in owning.

first off thanks for all the info!!!!!

i plan on using the gun i pick for home defense/range and i might carry it when i get my CPL ( im 20 right now turn 21 in april). im a bigger guy 6'1" 230lbs athletic build so im pretty sure i can conceal it for a while till i end up buying a strictly carry pistol.

i also have a question about the p95 vs the p89 is the grip the same (Size)? because on the p89 you take the old grip off and screw down the new one correct? ( if you chose to have an aftermarket grip) , on the p95 you must use a slip on cover which would make it bulky'er right?
2fast4u":18gu8uqt said:
first off thanks for all the info!!!!!

You really need to get to a gun store or gun show and touch and feel these guns for yourself. One is a polymer frame (the P95) and one is a metal frame (the P89). Apples and oranges. Don't worry about things like grip replacement before you even have the gun. Believe me, the differences between the P89 and P95 are HUGE, and you can't decide by doing research on the net or looking at pics on a website. You need to HOLD THEM YOURSELF to see which one feels right in YOUR hands.

Just re-read your original post and see that you're familiar with the P89, so that makes it a lot easier. Just find a P95 and check it out.

TO answer your previous question, you're right ... you'd need to use a slip on grip to change teh P95's contours. Not really necessary IMO, it's fine as it is if it fits your hand OK.

Good luck and keep us informed.

You have to get the 89.
It's got to be the most unique pistol I have seen.
Why you say Gator is it unique?
1. Take it apart, look at the recoil assembly, the Barrel lugs, the transfer bars, the entire slide and its machining. Compare them to any other 9mm.
Notice any difference? You should.
The 89 looks industrial strenght. Bank vault gets overused a lot, but that is what comes to mind.
The gun reminds me of thousand dollar shotguns with it's beefy lockup and rails.

2. It's heavy. That is what you want for a car or house gun. Recoil is just about non-existant for a 9mm because of the heavy weight. In single action mode you have 16 shots of non recoiling 9mm 147 grain talons that shoots like a Ruger Mark .22... Sounds pretty good right?
That heaviness, is caused by steel and aluminum.
Aluminum which is made in a unique manner, that I do not believe is done anymore. It would probably cost too much.
It's thick, it doesn't ding, and rarely even scratches.

Also the heavy 9mm is good for something else, something that has a polymer frame pistol beat, it will not jam.
You cannot limp wrist the thing.

So what is the value of a non recoiling High capacity 9mm that will never rust, not get dinged up too bad even under severe abuse, and fires every single time and has the reliability of a revolver?
$2000 dollars? $1000 dollars?.....
Nope, only $300 bucks.

It's probably the best buy ever made in the gun world. If these guns were manufactured by Beretta in 1980 as the most premium guns ever made, they could have been priced at $1000 and I would have believed it looking at the materials, quality, fit and function.
You simply cannot ask for a better gun if your goal is self defense.
It's not a target gun, it's a protection machine.
revhigh":1ujrz25d said:
tkarter":1ujrz25d said:
Rev I have a P89 that is dead nuts on accurate. So is my P95.
What you perceive to be the difference may be in the triggers between the two.

I hear the SR9 is accurate too. I haven't shot one of those yet.


In my experience, the SR9 is more accurate than the P89, but the trigger is so bad that it's not worth considering. The P89, while maybe 'combat accurate' can't compete with ANY of my other autos (Glock, Sig, CZ, Colt, or SA) for accuracy, and certainly can't compete with ANY of my revolvers. Also, in my experience, the trigger on the P89 is far and away better than the trigger on the SR9, that's not even close, but the P89 'itself' is simply not capable of the accuracy that I expect. If someone had ONLY the P89 to shoot, it would probably be acceptable to them (not saying YOU fall into this category :D )



What you are saying is there isn't anyone who is a better shot than you. :D

My P89 will make a 1 1/2 inch hole at 15 yards for 15 shots.

You may not have experienced but.... there is always something new to learn.

tkarter":3lojhtq2 said:
My P89 will make a 1 1/2 inch hole at 15 yards for 15 shots.

What you are saying is there isn't anyone who is a better shot than you. :D

LOL ... not hardly ... but since you mentioned it, I'll be glad to back up my claims with money if you ever feel you want to PROVE your 1.5 inch group claims. Anytime. I've never been taken up on a 1 or 1.5 inch claim/challenge yet, but I'd really love to see it. 1.5 inch groups are so very easy to shoot on the internet when the only thing between you and your doubter is a keyboard.

http://www.rugerforum.com/phpBB/viewtop ... t=revhighs

Yes and it is easy to sit on the Internet and tell folks what they can't do too.

If I were close enough to prove it to you I would even let you shoot a group like that with a P89.

A P89 is great pistol and I imagine the SR9 is too.

Revhigh, as I stated in my earlier post, I was very pleasently surprised by the outstanding accuracy of my late-production P89. After discussing it (and providing the test target results) with a former Ruger engineer who was intimately involved with the P85/P89, we agreed that this accuracy was above and beyond the norm expected (and normally experienced) with a P89, and was probably the result of an exceptionally good match and fit between the barrel and slide, particularly at the breech area.

It may also be worth noting that in the 3rd quarter of 2007 Ruger embarked upon a significant produce and processes improvement program, resulting in significant improvements in their manufacturing processes and effeciencies, and concurrently in the firearms being produced. The specifics of these efforts were discussed in detail by Michael Fifer, the CEO of Ruger at that time in his October 24th, 2007 report to Ruger's shareholders. My P89 was one of the early recipients of the these efforts, as it was produced in August 2007 (shortly before Ruger made the decision to discontinue the P89, which in my opinion was both premature and unfortunate).

Those interested in the P85/P89 series guns might also find interesting the results published in the 1990 Guns and Ammo Annual, where respected gunwriter Clay Harvey tested five brand new and one used P85, and with all of them was able to achieve 3" accuracy at 25 yards with at least one commercially available factory loading with each P85.

Once Ruger went to the one-piece barrel, and made other incrimental improvements in the barrel/slide relationships, such accuracy became the norm, not the exception. Keep in mind also that the P85 performed credibly in the XM10 DoD pistol trial, which had an accuracy component as well. While 1"-1.5" accuracy is exceptional, in at least two of our cases it's not impossible-and I think that 3" is an expected norm, especially in later-production, improved P85/P85MkII/P89 pistols.

Best, Jon
I'm starting to think maybe we should do a semiauto forum postal match. Give some people the oppurtunity to show off their pistols accuracy & their skills as a shooter. Of course some could still be doubtful as it would be on the honor system but it still might be interesting. I'm sure there are many here that can outshoot me.