new SR9c/ loaded chamber indicator

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May 23, 2011
I finally got my Brand New Ruger SR9c. I have wanted a new gun from Ruger for a long time. My question is about the indicator on top. I have seen several pics of the sr9c and on all of them the indicator is up much higher than mine. While others might not like that feature I do. What could be the problem, I have tried different rounds but it only extends out of the slide a very small amount. It is not even noticeable from the side, I have to actually look in between the groove to see the red. Are there any questions or am I going to have to send it back for a look. Thank you for any advice given in advance.


Mar 10, 2008
Either Ruger has changed their design because so many people dislike it, or you just received an anomaly!

Can you post a pic?


Oct 14, 2009
Is it flush with the slide when unloaded? Or is it lower than the top surface of the slide?

Please post a photo if you can. It should be clearly visible with a round in the chamber. You should be able to see it clearly from 10 feet away. You should be able to touch it and know instantly that there's a round there. It's possible you didn't get a "Brand New" gun, or that there's something amiss.

I don't know if Ruger changed the design but I doubt they would change it that much. However -- there have been a lot of people who have asked about filing it down from the stock height or altering it in one way or another to make it less visible - oddly enough after they bought the gun knowing it was there - and it's entirely possible you have a "Brand New Gun" that is actually not "Brand New" after someone modified the LCI, returned it, and then the dealer resold it "as new" not knowing what to look for. Usually the people who want to cut down the loaded chamber indicator have some kind of phobia that it will interefere with their sight picture or hang up in a holster for some irrational reason. It doesn't. These are usually the same kind of people who buy different scratch-off lottery tickets in a specific order because they think it matters. ;)

On my SR9 the LCI sticks up by a full 1/8th of an inch from the top of the slide when there's a round in the chamber and it is perfectly flush with the top of the slide when not. I've heard reports about the SR9c being slightly lower but not by as much as you report.

This is the first time I've heard of anyone with a new SR series gun with this problem. Take a picture of it if you can, and then unload the gun and take another from the inside as closely as possible.


May 23, 2011
First, I want to thank everyone who took the time to post as time is the one thing we cant replace. I will be getting one in the mail and it was mailed today, I wont have to pay for it. The proffesional person I talked to took care of it right away.

I hope that it is the brand new gun I bought and not a return. The tape on the side of the box needed to be cut when I got it. There was also not a scratch on it. After reading and checking out post and info on it and looking through the owners guide I noticed the little spike on the end of it and mine was clearly broke off. I have not taken the part off yet but when I get the new one I will post a picture of it. Is there a post limit before I can post a pic on this site. Thanks again, Ray

Ps the gun was born in the 11th month of 2010. I bought it in early May.


Oct 14, 2009
Nope no post limit as far as I know. It would be very interesting to see the particular failure there, but as I said yours sounds like a very rare occurence. Honestly I've never heard of it happening before, the gun being shipped with a clearly broken part, or a part that isn't as it's supposed to be, so I tend to be skeptical. In any case the LCI is not a big functional problem as long as you get it taken care of. Ruger will almost certainly take the gun back and put a brand new one in there and send you back the pieces. Also, there's no "spike" on the end of it (or maybe we're talking your terminology vs. mine here). The LCI is designed to slide up and over the cartridge rim when the gun goes into battery because of the 45 degree bevel cut into the front of it, and then slide off the cartridge rim and lay flat and flush with the surface of the slide when there is nothing in the chamber.

I didn't take another picture from the side showing just how precisely the LCI should match up to the back of the barrel when there's no round in the gun. On my SR9 the very rearward surface of the barrel is maybe 2 or thousandths higher than the LCI when the gun is unloaded. Very close, and the barrel actually slopes downward slightly toward where it locks into the slide. By the way after more than 2,000 rounds I have basically no barrel peening/slide to barrel wear, etc., etc. I've got a little scuff mark on the top of the barrel, that's it. That's why I like my SR9 :).

It's never supposed to "lock up" or hang up on anything. It's also *not* supposed to lay flat, or almost flat, when the gun is loaded - it should stick up by at least 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch. It was very specifically designed and if yours isn't working right, there's a reason. The question is what the reason is. It could be that someone tried to cut it down, did a bad job, returned the gun, and then you got the gun back "as new" with a piece of tape on the box and all that.

Here is what mine looks like:

Slide locked back, unloaded.


Loaded, slide in battery.


Slide forward, chamber empty.



May 23, 2011
Thanks for the great pics, I am sorry I can't post mine, I will get them up today though. My SR9c looks like your last pic loaded and chambered or not. The spike I refer to (mis named I am sure) is shown in your first pic where the point of the LCI is positioned just above the striker port. Mine is broke off across the middle of the little indentation below the red box. I took some pics last night but batteries gave out. We have had some bad storms lately and lot of pics have been taken. I will post later today or when I get the new one from Ruger and have both of them on the desk. Thanks again..Ray


Dec 18, 2007
Bismarck MO
this is alittle off topic but not so much. I recently purchased a SR9C, and the red paint came off all at once on the loaded chamber indicator. Anybody else have this happen to theirs...IMO it's nothing to complain about just thought it was funny that with the first mag the red paint disappeared.


May 23, 2011
Mine still has the paint, just the lifting part of the indicator is broke. It still functions fine as I had a wonderful day shooting targets today, I love this thing!


Oct 14, 2009
traderray said:
Mine still has the paint, just the lifting part of the indicator is broke. It still functions fine as I had a wonderful day shooting targets today, I love this thing!

That's really good to hear. Put a call in to Ruger customer service and go ahead and get it fixed. It sounds like a rare, flukey kind of thing that they'll be happy to straighten out, and the toughest part will be having to part with the gun until you get it back ;).


Oct 14, 2009
velvalco said:
this is alittle off topic but not so much. I recently purchased a SR9C, and the red paint came off all at once on the loaded chamber indicator. Anybody else have this happen to theirs...IMO it's nothing to complain about just thought it was funny that with the first mag the red paint disappeared.

Touch it up with a Testors #0 brush and some Chevy Engine Red Acrylic ;). In my other, other, other life I like model painting. Little detail things like that attract my attention when I'm in the mood, and they're fun to do.


Jul 17, 2010
West Texas
The red on the left side of my idicator came off as well last time I went to the range. It's actually a sticker rather than paint. Before it came completely off I pulled it off because it was hanging on. I still have it but I don't care enough to put it back on. I think it looks better without it IMO. This is after about 1100 rounds through my SR9c.


Jul 14, 2007
Glad to see Ruger got you a new one at no cost, they normally don't charge for the smaller parts anyways. The best part is that they've already mailed it and you don't have to send in the SR9c.

Installing the new LCI is a simple procedure, if you need help, check out my videos in the links of my signature.


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