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Jun 26, 2003
Interesting new Lipsey's offering.... did I miss it here on our Forum..? I don't read very well, so forgive me if it's been covered.
The John Taffin "perfect packing pistol" and Barranti custom holster.....

They have been hinting at such a gun. Now they've made the announcement. But as far as I know,,none have shipped yet.

One of the big things I see is that they are putting the front sight on as a pinned front on the blue guns. A BIG step forward for SA handguns!
Thanks for the Post and video. What's
not to like? It's a Ruger, chambered in
45Colt, has a 5-1/2"bbl for balance,
Bisley grip for control, and a commemorative
with real meaning.

Mr. Taffin is the best. And a very thoughtful
Revolver for him, the Perfect Packin' Pistol.
Thanks for the Post and video. What's
not to like? It's a Ruger, chambered in
45Colt, has a 5-1/2"bbl for balance,
Bisley grip for control, and a commemorative
with real meaning.

Mr. Taffin is the best. And a very thoughtful
Revolver for him, the Perfect Packin' Pistol.
What's not to like?

Well it's a Bisley, so that's going to have to be changing. Doesn't fit my hand. It's still Ruger factory made, so it's quality will have to be thoroughly checked in person to see if it's like a good portion of the poor QC they've had recently. It's a 45 (good) but on the weaker and shorter medium frame (Mr. Taffin isn't known for light loads).

It's still a 45. Pin in front sight on the blue guns finally. Allegedly better grip fitting (still a Bisley though). Convertible. 5-1/2" barrel is good for most anything. It's not going to be a limited edition, so easier to get. It celebrates a truly great man.

My dealer has five ordered and I get first pick among them and it's coming out to less than a grand out the door. I'm just waiting impatiently and already have the RW gripframe for it.
I, too, never liked the Bisley grip frame....until I bought one and found that, as ungainly as it seems (and looks), it really enhances my accuracy level. At my age, it really doesn't matter much, but it is a pleasant reality for me, and I'm even growing to like the look. I'm liking the Ruger Bisley style a bit more than the original Bisley, but I've acquired both. I'm not buying any more guns, but if I were, I'd probably pick up a mid-frame like this one just because I have one in 44 Special and really like the "less weight" in my old hands (and it's a great rationale for buying another single action.
Some like the Bisley g/f & others do not. Personal FIT & COMFORT is paramount for good shooting. I teach that.

Now,, IN GENERAL,, for a good majority of people,, the Bisley g/f allows for easier recoil and accuracy when heavy loads are used. If you look at Freedom Arms,, their g/f shape is more like a Bisley design for the heavy hitters.

And I was kinda like Johnnu2 when Ruger introduced the Bisley design. I figured it would not last & guns built like that would quickly become scarce & collectable.
Until I fired a big bore in one. For ME,, in MY hands,, it made a big difference that was good.

And realize,, this gun was designed as John Taffin described things. Looking forward to seeing a couple of them.
Good caliber and the 45 acp option really helps as it's easier to find/costs less than 45 colt, if one doesn't reload. The mid frame doesn't bother me; infact I've come to appreciate it for certain situations and it's still good for tier 2 loads, which is the hottest I'd ever go these days.
I've tried the Ruger bisley grip frame and it doesn't work for me, though, unless I am only shooting one handed. It's ergonomics don't work for me when using a two handed hold. Given the light loads I use, recoil control isn't a problem with the plow handle and I can put two hands on it, if needed, much more easily.
It's one of those times where I don't care if it's better, it's so silly looking I could never own one. I am not using a Single Action to defend myself so the need for perfect marksmanship or ability wanes when I contemplate a single action's use. I don't shoot one-handed. My opinion and others' will vary of course.
Handloader magazine No. 354 February 2025
page 18 John Taffin's Perfect Packin' Pistol.

Very informative four page article by Brian Pearce
about Mr. Taffin's Ruger Revolver, reloading for it,
and manufactured ammunition.
It's one of those times where I don't care if it's better, it's so silly looking I could never own one. I am not using a Single Action to defend myself so the need for perfect marksmanship or ability wanes when I contemplate a single action's use. I don't shoot one-handed. My opinion and others' will vary of course.
I'm just opposite, well almost. Yes, I prefer Bisley appearance, and above all, the way it handles, especially with heavy loads. As a matter of fact, some custom smiths wouldn't even build .475 and .500 on any other revolver but Bisley. Presently, I own two Bisley revolvers; one blue 44 magnum, 7.5", also 44 Magnum, but 5.5", stainless, converted from SBH.

As for Blackhawk, nope, not my cup of tea in any aspect. However, I just purchased SBH in 44 Magnum, stainless, 7.5", with Dragoon (square) style trigger guard. Yep, I like it. Not as much as Bisley, but still immanently better than Blackhawk. Hope to test SBH next weeks for accuracy, and if it's good, I will start looking for parts to convert it to Bisley.

As for original grip frame from noted SBH, well, looks like that there is away to install it on Ruger Old Army, without installing trigger return plunger. In that case, I will have much better grip than current one on Ruger Old Army. Just checked; SBH square trigger guard grip is about 1/2" longer. A big difference in handling, even for my medium size hands. But, equally important, SBH Dragoon style grip makes already classy look of Ruger Old Army way classier. Of course, this just "copy & paste" version, but you've got idea:

ROA compared-2.JPG

IMHO, Ruger Old Army is way better with SBH style grip than with BH one.

UPDATE: My "dream" Ruger Old Army, with same hammer spur like on SBH
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