New Holster...1911

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Nov 17, 2009
Webster, MD.
Why am I not seeing anything but the word "image"? If I 'click' on the word I get this:
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Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
Fox Mike said:
Why am I not seeing anything but the word "image"? If I 'click' on the word I get this:
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I wish I had an answer. I've looked at it with multiple computers and it shows on all of them. :? Sometimes the photo hosting site takes some time off for updating. Possible you looked while they were off-line? Please let me know if you still can't see the photo.

Mar 24, 2002
Oregon City, Oregon
Nice looking holster.
Concealed -under -the T shirt may be a challenge :D
Although, you'r in open - carry, right?

Yep, for the most part open carry is legal here. In the few towns that it's not legal, if you have a CHL, "supposedly" you can still open carry. Problem is, the local constables don't understand or agree, so my life would be uncomfortable if I exercised this right. Out of town, it's a non-issue,

Yes, this is mostly an outside carry holster. But I've found wearing it under a barn coat or anything else with long tails, it still remains concealed.

And for the record...Some folks have not been able to see these photos. Most of us could, so we didn't understand why some couldn't. Nearly a week later, and one of my posted photos has disappeared even to me, and was replaced with the big blue block. Makes no sense, so I re-posted the same photo, and it's again visible. The ghost glitches seem to be having their way with this thread. :?