Mucho questions on NewVaq and Blkhawk

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Which Ruger should I buy?

  • The New Vaquero, and just shoot it

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • The Stainless Blackhawk, for a project gun

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters


Nov 19, 2007
First, let me apologize for the long post. I am thinking about a lot of stuff and decided to put it all in one place, rather than multiple posts.

I am getting ready to buy my next Ruger SA, and there are two models that I have had my eyes on:

1) A New Vaquero, Stainless, .45, anything shorter than 7 1/2 inches. (Including the Montado.)

2) A NM Blackhawk, Stainless, .45, probably 4 5/8".

I know these are two very different guns that are suited to different purposes. I have uses for both, and hope to someday own one of each, plus several others. I am just considering which to buy first.

If I get the Blackhawk, there are several things I would like to do to it over time. I would like to remove the warning billboard on the side of the barrel. Anyone who has done this yourself, please tell me how it went. Can I do it without removing the barrel? Obviously I would remove the ERH, and probably the front sight & base. How difficult is the sight base to remove and replace? Next, I would have the chamber throats reamed, IF NECESSARY (but it seems they are usually tight, no?) How much can I expect to pay for this job? I would also like to install a SBH hammer. How tough is this to do myself, and how much will the part(s) cost? I warned you that this post would be long--feel free to comment on individual parts of it! One more change: I would accomplish the DIY free-spin mod.

If I get the Nuevo Buckeroo, there is less to do. Warning is on the bottom, so I'd leave it alone; I'd check throat diameters to see if they need reaming; if I can pick up a Montado, it will already have a hammer that I like (I'd probably just live with the hammmer on a regular NV); reverse-indexing pawl already lines up the chambers with the loading gate, so nothing to mess with there.

Have others had the same experience as me with current production Ruger SA's? When I handle a NV, it seems sillky smooth and very well fitted/finished. But the Blackhawks seem like they left the factory when 95% completed, and the actions feel like they are full of sand! I like Blackhawks, even own a Bisley model, but the new ones I've seen just make it really hard for me to be happy about taking one home.

So what would you all recommend? Spend my money on a Vaquero, relish its beautiful finish, and don't worry about any mods until I get the itch for some fancy grips? Or look for a Blackhawk that is not too shabbily built and gradually upgrade it to look and work the way I like?
Myself, I'd go for the Blackhawk. On my KBN44 I installed the Super Blackhawk hammer and the Hunter grip frame. Great carry gun and can shoot from mild to wild. Course I have a stainless Sheriff's Model Vaqero with a 3 3/4" barrel and a stainless birds head with 4 5/8" barrel and any other combination of Ruger single action .45colts that you can think of (no New Vaqeros). Most carried the KBN44.

Oh and the billboard don't bother me at all.

Two main questions----
1-Are going to shoot 'heavy' .45 Colt loads out of it.
2-Are going to want adjustable sights.

If you are only going to shoot normal .45 Colt loads and you can live without the adjustable sights, then I say get the NM Vaquero and in particular the Mondado. Minus the sights, it all ready has most of what you want.
batmann":26kpimop said:
Two main questions----
1-Are going to shoot 'heavy' .45 Colt loads out of it.
2-Are going to want adjustable sights.

Well, I'd like to be able to stoke it up with some high-pressure loads. Obviously this is out of the question with a NewVaq. I like the Blackhawk for its ability to handle anything that I can handle.

As for the sights, that's the biggest argument of all in favor of the Blackhawk. I wish I could have a Vaquero with nice adjustable sights.

So there are two big reasons to steer away from a New Vaquero. On every other point, I like it better. You see my dilemma?

Here are the intended uses for each:

Vaquero- Trail companion when motorcycling, 4 wheeling, or kicking around out in the desert. May only be loaded with snake shot sometimes. Peace of mind around the campfire. Occasional concealed carry. Fun piece to take to the range.

Blackhawk- Bear protection when I go camping in the mountains, plus all the same things the Vaquero would be used for, although it's too much gun for most of those. (I know, I know... I'll probably never even SEE a bear; I'm better off with a big can of pepper spray or a lever action .450 Marlin; etc. I didn't say my reasons were rational/realistic. Like with most of my guns, I'm inventing a need for something that I just want to own! Don't tell me you don't do the same thing.) :D
I think it all depends on how you view the mods you would do on the Blackhawk.

Are those things you'd HAVE to do to make it like you want? Get the Vaquero Nuevo.
Are those things you'd GET to do to have your own customized sixgun? Get the Blackhawk and blast away with whatever loads tickle your fancy.

Buffalo bore makes two stout loads that are safe for a "New Vaquero" that travel around 1000-fps... you could pop a pretty big critter with one of these and not have to worry about blowing up a beautiful gun like a "Montado".

I had a both model Vaqueros and I like them equally.
StanMemTn":f2lcgxvi said:
I think it all depends on how you view the mods you would do on the Blackhawk.

Are those things you'd HAVE to do to make it like you want? Get the Vaquero Nuevo.
Are those things you'd GET to do to have your own customized sixgun? Get the Blackhawk and blast away with whatever loads tickle your fancy.

Hmmm... I can honestly say I would enjoy tinkering with the Blackhawk and making it my own. The fact that a Vaquero doesn't need much done to it is not necessarily an argument in its favor! I'm just not sure if I would be in over my head with some of the things I'd like to do to a BH.
There are many loads listed for the mid frames, that are suitable for any bears, except Grizzly or Alaska Brown Bears. Brian Pearce has written, at length of this in Handloader.
A couple additional things to consider:

The Blackhawks also have the barrel marking underneath now.

The New Vaquero grip frame is 1/8" closer to the trigger guard; a consideration for recoil when shooting the Tier two 45 Colt loads in it.

Adjustable sights usually get adjusted only once, just like a fixed sight gun.

The NM Flat Top Blackhawk is a mid frame like the Vaquero and has the chamber alignment feature as well, but also the 1/8" less space behind the trigger guard. Just as handy as the Vaquero though.

Buy the gun you're most excited about first! You'll wind up getting the other one someday anyway.
I went with the Montado because I love the lines of the Vaquero line of revolvers. But then I used it for a project gun so I could see the dad gum sights...




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