LCR disassembly

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May 8, 2009
Has anyone completely disassembled one yet? I got some sand in my pocket with my LCR, and I think some got into the trigger. I called Ruger and they said I could try to blow the sand out, or send it in and let them check it. I am fairly competent at taking apart and re-assembling single actions, and I would like to strip the LCR down if it is not "rocket science." Any suggestions?
...I don't think its possible that I am the first LCR owner to want to take one apart. Is there a reason that it should not be done (other than the instructions saying only trained factory service personnel should do it)?
jfmcco, I'm assuming you got an owner's manual with your LCR. Ruger recommends you send the revolver in to them for anything other than "routine" cleaning! Having said that, if you have a very good aptitude for disassembling and reassembling handguns then "studying" the parts breakdown pages intently and going slow, you should have no problems taking this gun apart. If you "don't" have this aptitude, then another option would be to take it to a local "competent" gunsmith and have him take it apart while you watch and ask questions! The "good" gunsmiths will do this for you! Although I have yet to put one of these in my hands, just studying the schematic, it looks pretty simple, at least with my level of competence. Over the years, I have taken many guns apart for the first time simply by studying the schematic and the gun in my hands. You can learn to do this also if you have the mechanical aptitude!......................Dick
...I have excellent mechanical aptitude and I have studied the the parts diagram. I agree that it looks fairly simple and that is why I want to do it myself. I was posting here because I thought that somebody would have done this already and might have some advice or a warning not to attempt for some reason (that is what this part of the forum is for, right?). My experience taking apart and reassembling guns has taught me that something unexpected and not obvious will happen, and that is probably the reason it is so fun. I have not lost a part or failed to get one back together yet. if I do this successfully and maybe take a few pictures can I get "LCR Ace" under my name instead of Bearcat?
Nawww, you'll have a lot of "other" repairs in your lifetime that will go "south". Trust me!.......................Dick :mrgreen:
Pinecone":25ymqe10 said:
Nawww, you'll have a lot of "other" repairs in your lifetime that will go "south". Trust me!.......................Dick :mrgreen:

...yes, I've had a few. For the record, I am not a gunsmith, but I am a locksmith, and I have a BS in Physics, summa cum laude. I am a pretty good mechanic too. Unfortunately I don't know any good gunsmiths and the only two I have let work on my guns messed them up. So now, as with my cars, backhoe, and motorcycle I prefer to do it myself. I am sure my LCR would be fine if I just banged the side of it a few times and took it out and fired it. Instead I very carefully unloaded it and plan to remove every grain of sand before any metal (or plastic) rubs together. I know its not necessary, but I like to take things apart and my guns are no exception. Maybe if I keep bumping this post, someone with some experience with LCR's will happen by and offer some advice. I'm not in a hurry, I have plenty of other guns shoot.
I have NO IDEA why this is such a big secret. I have searched all over for a detailed description on how to tear my LCP down and have found JACK.

I own glocks and can tear them down blindfolded and reassemble them that way as well.

There is a sequence or else big head aches.

Ruger says DON"T do it.

I say, it is a hobby and I WANT to be able to tear this thing apart.

Does anyone have a link? :shock:
I have an LCR not an LCP, and I really don't know much at all about the LCP. Sorry
jfmcco":220lw8f8 said:
I have an LCR not an LCP, and I really don't know much at all about the LCP. Sorry
my friend has an LCR with a crimson trace and it is a canon!!! holy smokes!!!!
The LCP is basically a copy of the Kel Tec and I have repaired a couple of them over the years. They are more difficult than most, requiring 2 extra hands, holding your toungue properly to the side, ect. They are not rocket science, but also not for the inexperienced gun hack.
OKAY...on the gun hack and so on, but, this is more of the same...where are the detailed destructions? I have 2 science degrees and a chemistry minor. Can someone let me hack up my LCP if I want to by sharing THE GOLDEN LINK? LOL :mrgreen:
I don't know of a link. I am sure there is one. Hell, take her all the way down. As long as you are not forcing anything you are not hurting anything. Step 1, drive out the crosspin at the base of the grips right behind the mag well. This is after normal disassembly of course..... :wink:

By the way, welcome to Rugerforum! I am serious and joking at the same time in the above entry. If you want to play with it, go for it. The only way to learn.
Yeah...but no...I can't go into it without some sort of guide.

I did find something on this forum, but it did save my butt after i drove the hammer catch pin out #31, to test a hypothesis on why the hold open #19, wouldn't manually move upwards during the initial 150 rounds i shot through it at the NRA on Monday.

I came home and the hammer catch pin was sticking out. i assumed the 2 were related, so I tapped it out TONIGHT to try and duplicate the failure and the spring tension wouldn't let me re-align the pin-until I followed a procedure to remove the spring seat etc....and tap it back in.

"The only way to learn"...hahaha, to leave well enough alone!!!!! ! if you allow the frame insert assembly to come apart by "just going for it"-this would suck beyond belief and expectation....OMG.

It is more a hobby than me against the bad guys where i live anyway.....
...that was way too easy. Had it torn down, cleaned and reassembled in less than 3 hours.
three hours????
are you kidding us?
holy smokes!
you are talkin about an LCP right? manual etc?

I personally wouldn't. I found a GLOCK video and then it was easy and fun.

But for the LCP, it is like a secret sorority or something to find detailed RUGER instruction on how to detail their firearm.
I have this diagram thanks. I have the same diagram for my crossman 760, removed the stock and haven't been able to re-assemble the %$^#^%$# thing so I shoot the thing without a stock....even with a simple diagram of the thing.

There is a systematic way to disassemble anything.

little tools,little tips, special tools. fer instance, ya need a 1/16th punch or rod to keep things inplace for reassembly with the LCP. there are little holes on the frame, etc, etc....

I need the DANCE STEPS or else it can go bad quick...especially with flying springs and stuff that you'd be warned about had you had the armourers manual for the %$#^@ thing.

RUGER said if i was interested i could call 203.256.3860 and see about taking an armourers course for this firearm.

I haven't yet. still looking for the dance steps....

but that's just me....


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