John Wayne Centennial Vaquero Question

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Hey Guys -

New to the forum but not new to Ruger. Own two Vaqueros, a Mark III and a M77...

I have a question for you guys about the collectability of a John Wayne Centennial Vaquero I am thinking about buying.

The one I have the opportunity to buy is pre-owned, but has been a Safe Queen and has all the original paperwork, boxes, etc.

The problem is that the "R" and the "O" in the word Vaquero engraved on the left side of the gun are not completely pressed/engraved into the metal. The letters are obviously all there, but the tops of the letters are not set into the metal as deep as the bottoms of the letters, or as deep as the remaining letters in "Ruger New Vaque.." in their entirety.

So my question is will this affect the value and collectability of the gun itself???

I think I have a very good deal set up to purchase this...the seller will take $500 cash and my Nintendo Wii system (apparently he really wants a Wii). But I am nervous about the collectability of the gun with the mis-stamp on the name of the gun.

Any opinions on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!


Jun 18, 2001
Star Valley, WY
Any feature that's "out of the ordinary but original to the gun" usually enhances the value of the gun.

We Ruger Collectors love to find stuff that the Factory screwed up.....

Now, with this odd JW Vaquero, one must positively discern the originality of the error. If it's the result of a previous owner's "refinishing" efforts or something similar then the gun will indeed be of a much reduced value.




Jan 22, 2001
Dawson, Iowa
I agree. Lightly impressed rollmarks are uncommon, but if anything would enhance the value, though probably not that much in this case. Now if it were missing the rollmark entirely then it should have at least a small premium.
Sounds like a good deal to me on that John Wayne. Those guns were kinda 'spensive.